ELVA LI Bespoke Luxury

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What if you shine?

There's a song on repeat in my world at the moment and whenever I play it, I think of you.

"I spend too much time thinking about

who I'm supposed to be

I play by everybody's rules

that don't seem right to me


Should I even care?

They're all sitting there

and everyone's staring at me

If I step out in the spotlight

maybe I'll be set free

What if I back down now

'cause I'm afraid of what might happen

What if they turn away

when I show them who I truly am

What if I lose my breath

when I throw those big doors open

Or tonight, just tonight

What if I shine?


But what if I sing out loud?

Because anything can happen

What if I stand up proud

and I show them who I truly am?

They're gonna call my name

and I'll throw these big doors open

'Cause tonight, just tonight

I'm gonna shine"

This song resonated with me so much I had tears in my eyes when I first heard it..

I was that "good girl" playing by everybody's rules and not daring to stand up as who I truly am.

Maybe you can relate too.

Are you still playing small in your corporate world?

Are you still that "good girl" not daring to own her desires?

Are you still putting on a mask in front of others so that you are "liked"?

Are you still afraid of standing out but secretly wishing to be a super star in your life?

Are you still afraid of being rejected by others but at the same time keep rejecting yourself?

Are you still feeling not good enough to show the world who you are?


What if I told you "standing out" just means "being yourself"?

What if I told you it's much easier to be your self than being a people pleaser?

What if I told you there's no one else in the world has the gift you have?

What if I told you your only job is becoming more of YOU?

Would you be ready?

For the new YOU?

To stand up proud and show them who you truly are?

To throw these big doors open?

Are you ready to SHINE?

If you are ready, let's talk.

From my heart to yours,

Elva xx