Dear Beautiful,
For years I judged “beauty and luxury” as material and shallow, not spiritual. I would deny my desires for beauty and luxury and my joy in creating beautiful luxury brand visuals and identities.
It is the moment I stopped denying my desires and joy, I started to attract my ideal clients and create massive shifts in my business.
Making this leap supports me in manifesting all that I desire.
The things that light you up are meant for you.
The things that ignite your desires are your GPS guides to your next level.
The universe wants to take care of you.
It wants to spoil you. Adore you.
And it wants you to desire it in return.
To bask in its pleasures. And it’s joy.
The universe wants to love you.
And to co-create with you.
I am inviting you to listen to your soul’s desires.
Be clear and aligned on what it is that truly lights you up.
And then prioritize that in your life and embody the energy of your desires.
Because you desire it, you are energetically matched to it.
You are worthy of all your desires.
It still feels scary sometimes.
I will worry about what will people think of me? Does that make me greedy, selfish, materialistic?
It was a huge trust walk to allow myself to honor my desires that represented my new identity.
I embodied my vision and I allowed the fear to move through me.
I step into my identity of the Queen of Luxury Branding, an identity that felt true and aligned. And I make investments that are aligned with my new identity and desires.
I invested 5 figures in quantum healing, chakra balancing, business coaching sessions, speaking coaching sessions, Fengshui consultation, personal styling etc last month.
I needed to learn to trust myself with this next level of luxury, with this next level of desire.
Here are some journal prompts for you this week to elevate your energy and bring you into the vibrational state of receiving your desires, more easily.
What if I have total faith that it gets to work, because I desire it?
How can I stay in the energy of my future the entire day today?
How can I remain a conscious creator tomorrow?
What would I do if I back myself the way I back my loved ones?
What would I do if I embody my future self in this moment and take action from this space?
I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to:
Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW
High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model
Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious
Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence
Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence
Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System
Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience
Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling
I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.
If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.
To your high-end brand,
P.S. You can trust yourself around what feels right and aligned for you. Repeat with me “I have the confidence to intuitively know what is for my highest good” and “I feel safe enough to be me.”
If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.