Dear Beautiful,
What you’re imagining is an actual preview of what you’re capable of creating and living right now.
If currently running business up and building your brand feels like pulling teeth, that’s because you’re not doing it in the way that’s actually aligned for you.
There’s nothing wrong with just haven’t unlocked your unique blueprint for your brand success.
There is a specific way for you to build your own online brand that will create maximum joy, impact, income and freedom for you.
And no one, no expert can tell you what your unique blueprint for success is. But...I can guide you to discover it for yourself.
One of the things I can guide you is to align your brand and business with your feminine archetype. The four main archetypes are:
Infectiously enthusiastic, incredibly bright, and very people-focused, your brand personalities are big on fun. You are excellent communicators good at thinking on your feet and brimming with ideas clarity simplicity and transparency is important to you. You multitask well and love working with people bouncing ideas around and bringing teams together. You are social animals and you love to entertain. You think creatively and quickly - often the heads are literally spilling over with ideas - and you are a real inspiration to those around you. The challenge is to hold yourself back and ask yourself exactly which of the latest fabulous ideas they should focus on.
Your brand needs to be able to reflect your natural essence. If the branding does not align with your creative essence, you can be perceived as downmarket, flaky, unreliable, and less serious than you really are.
Often graceful elegant and stylish, quality is key to the your brand. With a strongly intuitive and romantic side, you have an understated luxury style, creativity, and commitment to quality. You're very supportive, sensitive to the feelings of others, and have a strong sense of responsibility. You are efficient, productive and well-organised. Detail is everything and you leave no stone unturned in your quest for perfection.
Your brand needs to be able to reflect your natural essence. If the branding does not align with your essence, your drive for perfection can be perceived as lack spontaneity, stand-offish, aloof even, and sometimes too formal.
Passionate, energetic, enthusiastic and highly independent, you love to challenge established norms. You are great campaigners and have a strong sense of justice. Warm, friendly, loyal and earthy people, you have a great love and respect for the natural world. Substance, authenticity and integrity are hugely important to you. Family and friends are at your heart. You love the past and is often fascinated by history. You are lifelong learners and you fulfilling your purpose is important to you.
You are a highly driven, successful and decisive female entrepreneur. You have the ability to both create the big vision and drop down to the detail. You are focused, objective and detached. You get things done and they get them done now. Your brand is glamorous, opulent, luxurious, rich and even. Conversely it is also understated, grounded, and unfussy.
Your brand needs to be able to reflect your natural essence. If the branding does not align with your essence, your brand can be perceived as being cold, uncaring, and insensitive.
Your brand needs to be able to reflect your natural essence. If the branding does not align with your essence, your brand can be perceived as bossy, rebellious, temperamental and unpredictable.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
There are three ways you can work with me to align your brand with your soul femme essence:
Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience: A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline.
High-end Branding VIP Day: A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.
Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8 week program covers:
Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW
High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model
Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious
Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence
Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence
Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System
Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience
Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling
If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.
Who we actually are is an expansive abundant Soul being incarnated in a human body for the purpose of the betterment of all, including ourselves.
Because the unknown is scary. Pushing ourselves to our next level can feel exhausting. It’s the fear that exhausts you rather than the actual up-leveling bit… that bit is easy when you actually allow yourself to step into it without condition.
So who do you want to be? And that woman… the woman you WANT to be …. how would she show up right now? What would her thoughts be? What would her actions be? Would she go for it?
Ask yourself, if you knew you couldn’t mess it up… if you had faith so deep & profound… what would you do in this very moment right here?
Go do that. You got this.
P.S. So... what about if you trusted that were was more than enough for you?
Reconnect with your personal power, create from this (natural) state, and allow what you're calling in to move towards you, while you gracefully move forwards too, trusting that in the space where 'uncertainty' lies is actually where all of possibility lives.
What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.