Dear Beautiful,

The best-kept secret in manifesting your luxury brand is your belief and your energetic level.

What are you trying to manifest in terms of your luxury brand? 

Being a premium coach or expert, offering a bespoke service for a select high-end clientele;

Having more impact and influence and becoming recognized as the top expert in your field;

Generating the income you desire and experiencing the life you dream of;

Now ask yourself why you think it hasn't manifested.

Look at the reason. It is your belief in who you are that is stopping you from taking the action and manifesting your desires.

I can give you the ‘perfect’ premium website. But it won’t attract your high-paying clients when you don’t believe there are those dream clients who want to work with you, and constantly think no one has money to pay you

I can give you the ‘perfect’ luxury business model. But it won’t sell when you don’t believe in the value you provide, and you're trying so hard to prove how much of a worthy coach you are.

The secret to changing that is by changing how you define yourself and the energetic level you are at. 

Who do you know you wanted to be? What would your new belief be? What actions would you take if you embody that version of yourself with the new belief?

Repeat after me: "I am worthy of everything I desire".

I encourage you to reevaluate your brand from top to bottom, from internally to externally,  with that belief.

There's no reason you can't manifest your desires.

If anyone tells you otherwise - you know where to show them the door.

Our time in this human body is limited. The goal is to love your greatest life. 

The kind you wish for deep in your soul.

It is an energetic match to the piece in your soul. It comes with beauty, desire, pleasure, high vibes. It is a desire.

It’s our desires that activate us. Manifestation exists on the frequency of desires.

Decide fully to create the brand, business, and life you want from a place of abundance.

What would you go for?

Then take the action from that space because you know it’s coming. 

If your desire is to uplevel your brand to a luxury level that gives you abundance, joy and freedom, I invite you to take the action and book your “Luxury Brand Discovery Call” and let’s chat about how we will turn your luxury brand vision into reality.

I would also like to invite you to the “Build Your Beautiful Business Online Summit 2022” where I will speak about how to create a luxury coaching brand. This event will be held for 4 days, October 24-27, my friend and host Julie C Butler is bringing you presentations from 35+ industry experts who have come together to inspire you to gain confidence, get unstuck and start building the business you’ve always dreamed about.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker