ELVA LI Bespoke Luxury

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None of my clients ever regrets raising the bar, ever.

Hi Beautiful,

The secret to your luxury brand success will never be found by seeking from outside; it is found by surrendering to your own soul.

When my clients work with me, they are not doing it to prove they are worthy. They’re doing it to remove their doubt that they are worthy.

With kindness and love, I help my clients remind themselves of what they already know – but had allowed themselves to forget.

It becomes about remembering ourselves.

Because I want you to become your luxury icon in the process, use your brand to pursue your highest purpose, and become your most iconic self. And then help others and become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

I want to empower you to own your luxury brand. And that’s when you’ll notice a subtle but powerful shift occurring from “I want to create a Luxury Brand” to “I am meant to create a Luxury Brand.

Your cells are cosmic expressions of the Universe.

Let your outer branding reflect your inner magnificence.

None of my clients ever regrets raising the bar, ever.

You stepping into your luxury icon is about stepping into the most fully expressed version of yourself, the one who takes up space and knows that you can feel expansion and fear at the same time. But you raise the bar anyway.

You are ready for big things, and I know you’re ready because if you are not meant to fly, you won’t have those wings. 

If you are reading this, I believe there’s a luxury brand in you. 

When we have overcome and transformed ourselves, the “side-effect” of that transformation can produce desired outcomes - your luxury brand success.

I see it so clearly, in my own transformation, and in my client’s transformation.

Once you realise who you really are, you start releasing who you are not.

Once you realize your problems are purposeful, they need no longer be painful.

Looking fear in the face is like throwing water on fire. Eventually, the intensity will dissipate, the fear will die down and you can boldly move forward.

The moment you stop waiting and making the decision to be a luxury brand, you start walking through a doorway to a richer, fuller, more abundant business and life.

Don’t let anyone tell you what you are supposed to do.

It’s time to declare your own Luxury Manifesto. 

For the luxury icon who is ready for more, I  invite you to join me for "The Luxury Manifesto" 3-day Luxury Branding Immersion to unleash your most iconic version, and translate it into a luxury brand with a magnetic premium online presence, so that you can transform from the world's best secret to the sought-after icon in your field, attract high-end clients, and elevate your authority, celebrity, income, and impact online.

I love luxury. And I believe that as we are embodying our luxury icon and leaving our legacy, however large or small, the world is touched by our presence. It’s shaped by our light and the ripple effect we are creating.

It’s an immersion that involves inner work (mindset), outer work (luxury strategy) and higher work (femme energetics).

It’s an activation experience.

It’s a vortex filled with high-vibe luxury icons just like you.

To Your Luxury Brand,