ELVA LI Bespoke Luxury

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A Luxury Brand Launch! Are you the next luxury icon?

Please join me to celebrate the launch of my client Karis Harlon’s luxury brand and website! 

“From the very beginning of developing my luxury personal brand, I knew I wanted it done professionally. I wanted to be supported in taking my expansive vision and turning it into a luxury icon. I was intuitively guided to find Elva. As soon as I found her website and read other testimonials, my heart knew that this was my woman.

From that first zoom call I was absolutely convinced that this whole process was being universally supported and that Elva and I were always destined to meet and work together.

From the very start, Elva’s service has been absolutely luxurious and first class. Her authentic, heart centered expression is experienced in every single touch point you have with her. Every single communication point I have had with her has always left me feeling elevated and deeply supported.

Elva weaves her magic in multiple dimensions and this is exactly the experience I was searching for. Our meetings were always a balance of spirituality and creativity. Our sessions together felt deeply nourishing and helped me bring my etheric visions into this 5D reality.

Through working with Elva, I have been able to get really clear on who I am here to serve and how I will do that. Her container has been the perfect space to surrender into as the universe showed me exactly what I am here to do.

Elva continues to blow me away with her generosity and kind heart. I recommend her to everyone. I have never experienced a service quite like hers. Her work is inspirational and her high and authentic level of luxury is evident in everything she delivers.

I know that Elva and I will continue to co-create magic together. She is an incredible asset that you definitely want on your team.”

– Karis Harlon, Visionary Leader and Expansion Guide

Thank you Karis for those beautiful words that touch my heart.

And just like Karis shared, We work in multiple dimensions to bring the Confidence. Clarity. Alignment. to your brand. Developing your luxury brand requires inner work, outer work and higher work to get the core and essence of what your luxury brand truly stands for. Then we can create premium brand images and online presence to attract your ideal premium-level clients.


“What you think you create. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you become.” We will dive deep and get you the crystal clarity: Who do you need to BE in order to step into this high-end brand identity? Who will you become? How will your brand express and amplify this high-end version of you?


Brand Identity, Personal Style, Website, Social Media, Brand Message... We will outline your luxury branding system that position yourself as a high-end brand. A brand that's aligned with your true identity, led by your vision, and powered by your purpose...A brand that creates an irresistible aura around you and increase the perceived value of your offer ... A brand that can take you from being “one of many” to the “one-and-only” for your premium clients.


We will map out a luxury brand strategy that totally aligned with the next level version of you and your business. You will market with elegance, live your brand as who you want to become and where you want to go next... Soul translation. Total alignment.

Where do you want to go next? Are you ready to uplevel your brand to a luxury level?

My package is luxury for a reason. Because the process, the experience and the results are premium and luxurious. 

Luxury is felt, desired, and it calls towards it that which is a vibrational match for its frequency.

If you feel called to step into your luxury frequency, let’s chat. 

I cannot promise our journey will be an easy one, but it’s definitely a beautiful luxurious one.

It is not a magic pill. Because you are the magic and when you deeply honour your feminine soul desires, the universe responds. And will meet you exactly where you are supposed to be.

You are limitless potential.

And I am here to activate the luxury icon within you. So that you can remember how powerful, magnificent, divine, and graceful you are.

There is just a leap of trust and faith that we can take together.

To your luxury brand,

Elva xx