Hi Beautiful,

My heart is full of gratitude for the feedback for our VIP event of the year “Luxury Branding Soiree”. During the intimate invitation-only event for my beloved private clients and high-value inner circle, luxury femme come together to connect, share, and celebrate. 

"The beautiful soiree you hosted on Saturday is definitely the Pinnacle of elegance for my trip!  It was such a beautiful event, everything was perfect. … Our lives continually unfold in miraculous ways; to be with you and these amazing women, surrounded by beauty and elegance, remains a precious moment in my mind's eye.  In alignment with my mind, my heart is full of thanks and appreciation.  Thank you,  Elva.  Your generosity and kindness is deeply felt."

"Thank you for a gorgeous afternoon Elva, it was truly a luxe experience filled with so much love, heart and soulful women💕🙏💚"

"So uplifting and insightful"


Special Thanks to Kapsule Jewels for the stunning and generous gifts

That's the power of creating immersive environments and surrounding yourself with women who have big dreams, who are out to live their life's purpose in a meaningful way, who are driven to make a difference in the world, and who also love beautiful things, who are embodying their luxury icons and uplifting each other even higher.

And with these women, I’m so touched and inspired. I’m so lucky and fortunate to have them as my clients, friends and soul sisters. 

I’m taking this opportunity to say Thank You to all of my beloved clients and

…to all of you who are reading this email, even if it’s the only time you ever do, I truly appreciate you reading it today.

…to everyone who’s ever written to tell me how my work has impacted your life, you have no idea how your words have impacted mine. I have saved every one of your messages, notes and emails in my LOVE box and heart.

…to anyone who’s attended my Luxury Manifesto Masterclass and shared the words about it, this means more to me than you’ll ever know.

…to those of you who’ve shared your luxury brand vision with me in our Luxury Branding Discovery Call, I’m grateful you trusted me and I truly believe in you and your visions.

However you've engaged with our luxury branding boutique this year,  you're a truly valued part of this community of women.

Women who desire deep meaningful conversations about life, spirituality, and a thirst for personal development and growth. At the same time, who also have ambition and desire to use their talents to make a difference, while enjoying all the beautiful things the world has to offer.

I am deeply grateful to be able to have built a truly luxurious and inspired business which allows me to work with extraordinary luxury icons, every single day. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

To your luxury brand,