ELVA LI Bespoke Luxury

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Ignite Your Embodied and Feminised Luxury Brand

Chérie Luxury Femme,

Luxury is a frequency. 

The quickest and most powerful way to tap into the luxury frequency and become a luxury brand is to change your identity first. 

That is how I changed my business and life. 

Being a female entrepreneur is a beautiful journey. But it is not always easy.  I remember the days I just wanted to curl up, cry and give up. 

You know that feeling when you are trying everything to build your business but nothing seems to work?

You could be doing all the right things, creating opt ins, Facebook ads, setting up funnels, doings webinars…….and reading every personal development book under the sun. Yet nothing takes off in your business. In fact, instead of making 5 or 6 figures as all those programs promised, you just end up feeling guilty and losing confidence in yourself. And if you are anything like me, you start to wonder “what’s wrong with me. These strategies seem to be working for everyone else. What am I missing?”

I felt this way in my own business, until I changed my identity from that “good girl” following others’ strategies or tactics to the “Luxury Branding Queen” unapologetically owning my desires, using my feminine energy in my feminised luxury branding and marketing, I ignited my embodied and feminised luxury brand.

Being a Queen, for me means, having a royal sense of self, your worthiness; Being a Queen is about how you hold yourself, how to lift up others, and serve others; Being a Queen is about activacting both the divine feminine and divine masculine energy in us; Being a Queen is about changing my identity, and put my crown on every single day.

I become the empowered Queen of my business and  life. I become a sassy CEO building my empire and on the path to amassing great wealth; I prioritise expanding joy and pleasure in my life and business and tap into more confidence and certainty than ever; I call in my desires and feel audacious, powerful, and magical, safe and being taken care of. 

Cream will always rise to the top, a Queen cannot be kept down no matter her circumstance. 

Her confidence is high. Her certainty is high. Her frequency is high. And that is the luxury frequency.

When I am in my power and flow as her, I know what I desire to create; I confidently ask for what I desire; I follow my feminine flow with joy and pleasure and open myself to love and abundance.  And that is what makes a luxury brand.

Beautiful, put your crown on, know exactly who you are, and be unapologetic about it. Don’t even question if you deserve your desires… Because you do. Fully accept your massive worth. Trust that you deserve it all, simply because you are.

The Universe is always communicating with us. Every time we honour our desires by showing up to it, we are quieting our ego and inviting our true self or higher self to show up. New ideas. New inspirations. New perspectives. A new identity - the next level you reveals. A new world opens.

Here are some journalling exercise for you, if it feels aligned to you:

  • Journal on the woman you desire to be, the brand your desire to build and the life you desire to live. What are her specific emotions? How does she feel on a daily basis?

  • Journal on what you are currently experiencing right now internally and externally. 

  • Notice and observe the difference between the two. Decide to commit to be your highest self.

  • What actions can you do today to allows yourself to align a little bit closer to her?

Your soul desire has a purpose: to guide you towards your highest potential and to leave your legacy.

Are you ready to ignite your power, your magic, your feminine soul, and your luxury brand and impact?

I am here to support you. I now opened spots for 1:1 coaching containers, where we can dive into the 4 pillars of luxury branding using feminine energetics - Luxury Frequency, Luxury Essence, Luxury Image, and Luxury Attraction, and build your luxury brand in a soul-aligned feminine way. 

If you feel called to work with me in this container, I invite you to book your complimentary call to discover your unique luxe plan.

To your luxury brand,

P.S.  If you can imagine it, it is possible. If you desire it, the Universe is nudging you towards it.

It's time to step into your next level identity and become one with your highest vibration.

It’s time to tap into the luxury frequency and live your luxury brand, trust your desires and let your highest self guide you.

It's time to answer your soul’s calling.

I am here to support you. I now opened spots for 1:1 coaching containers, where we can dive into the 4 pillars of luxury branding using feminine energetics - Luxury Frequency, Luxury Essence, Luxury Image, and Luxury Attraction, and build your luxury brand in a soul-aligned feminine way. If you feel called to work with me in this container, I invite you to book your complimentary call to discover your unique luxe plan.