Chérie Luxury Femme,

Unlocking the door to premium clientele and high-ticket sales requires a shift in your mindset and energy —a transformation that positions you as the undeniable authority in your niche. 

Here are the three powerful shifts designed to elevate your energy, attract premium clientele, and position you as the beacon of luxury in your industry.


#1. Believe the Intrinsic Value of Your Premium Offer

In order for others to see the value of your offer, you need to see it, believe it, claim it first.

You’re the créme de la créme in your field and offer something nobody else can feel confident in the value and transformation that you provide. Don’t let other people’s perceptions affect it.

Just like Picasso's drawing, some see it as a child’s drawing; some see it as a masterpiece. Don’t down-sell your best work at a low-ticket value, which will repel your premium clients. 

My mastermind client just sold a new premium offer with ease. This is what she said “I reminded myself that my "energy becomes more expensive" every time I have those conversations no matter the outcome. Thank you Elva for that piece of advice.”

Know what your offer is worth. Don’t allow other people’s opinions of your value to influence your own perception of it.

#2. Align with the Abundance of Premium Clientele

In every niche there’s K-Mart and there’s Dior. There are plenty of clients who will invest at the premium level.  Whether you claim it or not is simply down to you.  

There are people who see $2,000 as too expensive, there are people who invest in 5 figure program and see it as a great investment. They are just different people. The key is to speak to those who desire high-touch mentorship and transformation and see the value of your premium offer in the context of how your ideal premium client perceives it.

Release limiting beliefs and old programming that hinder your expansion, and embrace the abundance mindset that attracts affluent clients willing to invest in transformational experiences. When you stop second-guessing your price and hold the true desire of what you want, they will show up.

#3. Reframe Selling Premium as Effortless

Stop thinking it's "hard" to sell premium and start seeing it as EASIER. When you stand in your power that you are the portal to their next level transformation, they will step in. 

Think of a flea market Vs a luxury boutique. It’s much easier to sell a premium offer than bargaining for 10 cents in a flea market.

Embrace the ease and elegance of presenting your premium offer, knowing that it resonates with clients seeking exceptional value and transformation. When you stop thinking it's "hard" to sell premium and start seeing it as easier, they will show up. 

Ready to activate the luxury codes in you and have premium clients see you as the one and desire high-touch mentorship and transformation? Let’s have a chat.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Coach and Wealth Activator