Luxury Femme,

I believe as I wake up to the goddess that I truly am more and more every day, and the more I wake up to the light and power that is myself, the more I am able to light up the fire in every woman around me and in my luxury world.

The more you can see your own fire, light and power, the more you light up the women around you without trying.

A tool I use for myself and my private clients to remember the unique light in us and activate the full potential in us is “Maxtix of Destiny”.  

The origin of the Destiny Matrix traces back to the author Natalia Ladigna. She received the information about this tool through a series of intuitive downloads while in an altered state of consciousness.

The Matrix of Destiny is not a form of fortune-telling or to make specific predictions. Instead,  it teaches us that we are the masters of our lives and that the quality of our destiny depends on us. Regardless of the energy archetypes we possess, we can always live a life filled with richness and joy by expressing our energies in their positive aspects.  

I apply the Matrix of Destiny to enrich my understanding of who I am, my talents and gifts, my connection with my higher self, what my soul needs, the Karmic tasks from past incarnations of the soul and financial destiny, etc.

Many people are not where they should be because they simply do not have the opportunity to stop and comprehend their true essence and understand who they truly are. I use the Matrix of Destiny both independently and in conjunction with other self-awareness tools, such as Human Design for myself and my clients to discover who we came here to be and how to live to our fullest potential.


In the Matrix of Destiny, there is a financial channel focusing on three unique financial energies intrinsic to you. Each energy significantly influences your financial life. Understanding and harmonizing with these energies can guide and support us to clear energy blocks to financial abundance, maximize our financial potential, helping us make informed decisions regarding our financial destiny.

It has greatly helped me and my clients activate the full financial potential. If you are curious to find out your soul’s purpose, uncover your karmic patterns, unique talents, financial blocks, and desire to activate your financial channel or you just simply feel called, I invite you to book a Matrix of Destiny reading and wealth activation session below.  During the 90-minute session, you will receive:

  • Private reading of your Matrix of Destiny chart with detailed explanations, channeled insights and recommendations to give you a complete understanding of what your soul purpose holds and how to embrace your talents and activate your financial channel.

  • Activation to support the reading and further open your financial gates to receive abundance.

To the luxury of YOU,


Luxury Brand and Wealth Activator

P.S. Shine your true essence and the goddess magic that has always been radiating within you.