ELVA LI Bespoke Luxury

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Manifest Your Luxury Clients and Business

Luxury Femme,

One of the many questions I got asked a lot is about manifesting your luxury clients and wealth.

You probably see people talking about “law of attraction” everywhere. I remember that when I first discovered the “law of attraction” about 10 years ago, I was so excited. I started to focus on feeling good, thinking positively, and focusing only on my desired outcome, repeating affirmations…

Until I realised that the Law of Attraction is only part of the equation for manifesting your desires. There are other important universal laws I was missing. When I started implementing them, my manifestation accelerated. So today I want to share with you 3 of them that helped me manifest my luxury business and life.

#1 The Law of Oneness

You may have heard me talking about the different level of luxury frequency before. The highest level is the Luxuria8te frequency, which is the oneness state. The luxury clients you are seeking, the wealth you are seeking… they are already in you.

Every time my clients ask me, “How to find the client?”. I always start directing them to realise that your luxury clients are not separate from you. The first step is to activate them in you. So the question becomes “How can I embody the women having and serving luxury clients”.

Abundance is a state. It’s about your energetic expression in the world. Your wealth is fast-tracked when you tap into your own energetic frequency to be, be the clients you want to serve, be the abundance you want to attract. If you haven’t done the higher work on your luxury frequency to embody the oneness state, your capacity for abundance is limited.

#2 The Law of Alignment

Your reality is always aligning. The question is what it is aligning to?

Alignment means you get what you want, not what you ask for. You may say “I want to position myself as a luxury brand and work with high-level clients”. But if deep down, you judge luxury as shallow, distrust the wealthy, or don’t believe you deserve a luxury brand … then your reality will align to your unconscious beliefs rather than what you think you want.

So whenever I’m not attracting something, I always ask myself why I don’t want it. What’s my pay-off for not having it?

So if you are trying to manifest a luxury brand and business, ask yourself what’s your pay-off for not having it. What it is trying to protect you from?

#3 The Law of Action

I am not referring to the frantic “doing” mode. There are two kinds of action that really helped me manifest the business and lifestyle I have today.

The first type is immediate inspired action. Your desires won’t manifest in this 3D reality unless you take action of your part. Your intuition always gives you directions on the present moment, the now. The Universe loves speed.

The other type of action I take is consistent aligned actions in the direction of my desire. To grow a beautiful rose, you must plant the seeds, pull the weeds and water the flower. If you want to grow your business financially, you need to take revenue-generating actions consistently. Being “busy” all day and avoiding taking those actions won’t get you the results you desire.

So the question I ask myself every morning is what is my part today in this co-creation with the Universe? Then I take inspired action.

What I found is that the moment when we are inspired to move to a high-end niche, we start getting excited about the possibilities; we have lots of ideas for our luxury offers; and we can picture our next-level clients, the luxurious experience co-creating with them and the transformational results they are getting…

​Then suddenly our brain is filled with the reasons why we cannot or should wait… And it starts to say “no”. But the desires are still there, so we said to ourselves “I will wait till I make more money in my business or when I have the clarity or when … ”

If you relate to this and the desires are still in you, I invite you to stop waiting and take one small action today, even if it is just replying to this email to claim your desires.

Because everything you desire is on the other side of waiting.

To the luxury of you,

Luxury Coach and Wealth Activator