"How do I nail my branding to stand out and attract the right clients to me?"

"How do I nail my branding to stand out and attract the right clients to me?"

Dear Beautiful,

Your brand is the magic that can attract the best clients to you.

It’s what can separate your business from everyone else and help you attract your dream clients to you.

If you want to sell high-end offers, you need to build a premium brand.

A brand that’ll make you an icon.

Because when you build a brand, you become visible to people. And when they think about a problem that you can solve, they’ll think about you. You’ll become their answer. A solution they crave.

If you still haven’t started to work on your brand, I encourage you to take that next step.

Make a decision that it’s time the world sees you as the icon that you are.

You are powerful. Nothing can stop you when you make a decision.

If you decide that everything is always working out for you, it does.

If you decide that it’s all adding up for you and the easier it gets, the easier it will keep on getting, it will.

If you decide that everything that has happened up to this point has simply been beautiful lessons to help you create your own high-end iconic brand, then that’s just how it is.

Let it show itself to you as a feeling of desire, calling and expansion in your body. Through that feeling, Love shows you how it wants to express itself through you.

Where can you trust yourself more in your vision?

You can make a decision that will change the trajectory of your life at any moment and any day.

That moment could be now.

Elva Li Femme Brand.png

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic next level version of  YOU.

There are three ways you can work with me to help you embody your high level energy, create your high-end brand and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience:
    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from the inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day:
    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8-week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Deep down, you know that you have talents that nobody else can replicate.

That you can deliver an amazing transformation.

Let yourself be brilliant the way YOU want it.

If you are ready, I am here to help.

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Where will you be in 5 years, Elva?

Where will you be in 5 years, Elva?

Dear Beautiful,

I have found my soul mate partner and I have the most incredible relationship with the most amazing man where we both just keep expanding into our next level together.

I have been able to quit my 9-5 job as a Chartered Accountant and I pride myself in running a profitable, soul led business.

I have everything that’s truly important to me right now. I have become a woman fully capable of knowing exactly what I desire and how to tune into my inner guidance system to always know the aligned actions to take in order to create it.

I shared with you those not because I want to impress you – but rather impress upon you that once you set yourself on the path of growth and upleveling, anything becomes possible for you.

What is your five-year vision? Activate and fully own the highest version of the potential that is knocking at your consciousness.

Embody that version of you now and do something from that place. Take the next step. That is how you set the entire Universe in motion.

And I invite you to work with me as the next step if you feel called.

With a 10 year background in business advisory and a qualified personal stylist, coach and NLP practitioner, I have combined my creative flair with my business savviness to help visionary female coaches and founders elevate their brand and step into their next level through my unique FemmeBrand system. I integrate holistic brand strategy, creative direction, and mindset work to translate the soul of a person onto screen — so that they can elegantly increase their perceived value, expand their influence, and create more impact.

It’s not just about branding, logo and colours.

This is space for soul led business and alignment.

It’s a space for you to unlock the truth of who you really are, what you’re capable of, the soul work that’s meant for you and to embody, live it now.

Elva Li Femme Brand.png

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most radiant, abundant and iconic version of YOU.

There are three ways you can work with me to help you embody your high level energy, create your high-end brand and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience:
    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from the inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day:
    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8-week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


Strip off all the limiting thoughts, beliefs and blocks around money and navigate and release them for good.

Create space in your life to receive abundance, ideas, opportunities now.

Discover who you actually are as the most radiant, abundant and iconic version of YOU

Drop your super boring small goals and go for the BIG dreams that really light you up and start receiving them now.

And elevate into the next level version of you NOW so you can start living the life of your dreams and stop waiting on money which may never come if you just keep doing things the same way you are now!

And this is exactly what I’m going to be help you in detail, step-by-step when you work with me.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~~Joseph Campbell

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the next level version of YOU.

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Are you saying "Don’t look at my website, I have to redo it"

Are you saying "Don’t look at my website, I have to redo it"

Dear Beautiful,

Are you afraid to share your brand?

Are you saying to others "Don’t look at my website, I am still working on it" or "This is just a temporary business card" because you don’t have the clarity and confidence about your brand?

Are you constantly asking yourself, “What’s my brand really about? What’s the purpose of my brand?”

Beautiful, I would like to remind you there’s no magic to being confident. You already have everything you need.

"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." -- J.K. Rowling

Rowling believes that your confidence is tied to knowing that you can make a change in your own life.

Your confidence comes from your offering and the value that you bring.

All you need is to remember what you can already do.

Look inward and find the power that is already inside of you.

All you need is to realize it’s already there.

Your clients want you to show them that you are THE person they’ve been looking for. Someone who can create the transformation they’re looking for.

I can guide you to becoming someone those high-end clients will want to work with.

And it starts with uncovering your true desires.

Spend the time to get to know yourself and your desires. You need to look at both the surface level of what you are wanting next, whether it’s a new outfit or a new business and then go deeper. Ask yourself, why do I want this? How is it going to make me feel?

Keep digging.

What desires are leading you?

You will know when you hit the real DESIRE. This is magic. Because when you know intimately what you desire, then you can align your actions, and your life and business consciously with it and become absolutely unstoppable.

This is the starting point to create a brand that aligns with what is already happening inside of you and in your life. Then you can begin to design the life you want and actually see your true desires come to pass.

Elva Li Femme Brand.png

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the soul-aligned next level version of  YOU.

There are three ways you can work with me to help you embody your high level energy, create your soul-aligned high-end brand and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience:
    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from the inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day:
    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8-week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,



Building a powerful, purpose-driven brand isn’t hard as you think.

Beautiful, you know you’re ready.

You’re ready to release the blocks that are holding your brand back.

You’re ready to go within, set your initiatives accordingly, and give the unique value that only you can give to your audience.

You’re ready to be in your brand power, magnify your impact, and share your light.

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic next level version of YOU.

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

That’s the beautiful thing about branding, it’s an amplifier

That’s the beautiful thing about branding, it’s an amplifier

Dear Beautiful,

The mindset, energy, thoughts and emotions that brought you to where you are right now are not going to bring you to the next level.

Letting go of the old identity requires courage.

If you want more confidence, more soul sister clients, more money in the bank, then you need a new identity.

Holding on an old version of ourselves will not allow the next version of you to arise.

When I help my clients re-brand, more than the logos, colours, fonts.., it’s more about the energy and frequency I help my clients to step into and embody.

The first step is to honour who you truly are at this moment of time. Trust it and let it guide you to your next level of evolution.

As psychiatrist Eric Fromm once said, “the main task in life is to give birth to our self to become what we actually are.”

Learn not to be afraid of who we are. That means owning our light and our darkness, our flaws and our strengths, our achievements and our failures.

For many people, it’s easier and more comfortable to focus on what we’re lacking than to revel in the magnificent totality of who we are.

When we can fully accept who we truly are—our weaknesses and our strengths—we will finally claim, without fear or false humility, our genuine magnitude and glory.

That’s the beautiful thing about branding, it’s an amplifier.

Think of it like a wave, when you step into your next level brand, you send out a big wave of energy into the world that this is who I am -- I’m the kind of woman who remembers my infinite nature and power;

By making an investment into branding work that feels aligned for you, you’re basically saying: I’m choosing to step into my next level and I back it with both energy and action. It’s putting your energy and your actions in alignment.

Here are some journal prompts to help you get aligned with your soul and step into your next level:

If I fully trusted myself to receive my desire, how would I be showing up right now?

If I fully trusted others to co-create this manifestation with me and for me, how would I be showing up right now?

If I didn’t just have faith in the thing that is for me, but also trusted beyond what I’m currently feeling, what would that feel like in my heart space?

Elva Li Femme Brand.jpeg

I’m here to help you embody your true essence, elevate into infinite abundance and step into the most iconic next level version of YOU.

There are three ways you can work with me to help you embody your high level energy, create your high-end brand and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience:
    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from the inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day:
    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8-week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. What do you want? Really really at soul level desire?

What if you just decided to have it or something even better and embodied the version of you who already has it in every way possible now?

And took any inspired or practical actions you knew to take?

And just decided to never give up because you believe so fully that what you see and feel inside of you is real?

Along the path if you get afraid or second guess you just choose to surrender instead — surrender to divine, to God, universe, whatever you want to call it and notice where you’re trying to control everything and let divine take care of their part instead.

And then get on with living your life knowing that it’s all enough and it’s safe to trust.

It’s safe to trust yourself.

I’m just a girl who chose to believe that the beautiful vision for my life that I saw inside could be real. And the same is available for you.

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Tap into the soul level and open to abundance

Tap into the soul level and open to abundance

Dear Beautiful,

Your brand is a tool that helps you spread your message.

It’s you packed up and put out there for the world to see.

Your core values that underpin everything you do in your business.

Your story of why you’re doing this and your passion for it.

And your visuals help you translate your essence onto the screen and take your story, your values, your essence, and bring it all to life, and showcase yourself to the world.

You want to integrate it all together to create something extraordinary.

And, even more importantly there’s also another element.

It’s your energy.

Your brand means nothing if it’s not saturated with the energy of your soul.

Just like the receipt of effortless money flow is not in anything you DO against your flow, but rather everything you ARE, IN your flow.

Tap into the soul level, tap into when you're doing your soul work how that feels, when you're totally tapped in and turned on, when you're in that state of confidence, certainty, an energetic high and just having an absolute blast.

When you’re in that space, what are you doing? Who are you talking to? What are you talking about in those situations?

And trust that what comes through is not just enough, it’s everything!

Offload in your journal, all the fears and doubts about your business. You are not your fears. You are not your beliefs.

Find new perspectives that will soothe those fears and doubts. Ask yourself, “How does my Higher Mind see this?” to find those new perspectives that will dissolve those fears. Do this until you feel the energetic shift and confirm this shift by some form of action.

What will it be like when you are so confident about your high-end brand and sell your programme out? How will you feel? What transformations will your clients experience? What benefits will your clients experience and how will you celebrate with them?

Feel into the energy of the successful outcome of your business and brand. Perhaps journal about it. And when you feel that amazing feeling, ask yourself, “What can I do to fully embody this feeling today?”

Something will pop into your mind. If not right away, a little later.

Then go and do it.

That’s how you play with the Universe within, so it can work its magic through you.

Elva Li Femme Brand.png

There are three ways you can work with me to help you make this a reality:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience :

    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day :

    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8 week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Financial abundance is available to you and it’s available now.

There is more than enough.

You are worthy.

You are deserving.

And, if you’re ready... I want to show you how to raise your vibration, be in alignment with your soul essence, and let in an overflow of abundance in your business.

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

People buy your brand first and the product second

People buy your brand first and the product second

Dear Beautiful,

Your business won’t grow more than you do.

If you want to make more money? Look inward to question your money beliefs.

If you want to have more confidence?  Look inward to consider what your self-doubt tries to “protect” you from.

If you want to help more people?  Look inward to re-align with your purpose and soul essence to your brand.

When you skip the inner work, the same problems sneak back up … just in a different outfit.

At the high-end market, people buy you and your brand first and the product second.

Your audience wants to know what you believe in more than they want to know about the features of your offer.

In fact, considering what’s really the selling point at the luxury level, they probably don’t care about those features at all.

Rather, they want to hear about your values.

They want to see you stand up for them.

They want to know you believe that you are the best in the world at what you do.

By reading this email, deep down, you already know there’s brilliance inside you that’s unique to you.

And that you are capable of delivering a transformation nobody else can.

There’s nothing wrong with knowing that you’re the best.

In fact, I want you to consciously acknowledge that. 

If you can do something nobody else can, why wouldn’t you admit it and be proud of it?

Being able to accept that you’re the best is the key to building the confidence and self-belief you need to work with the select few and build your high-end brand.

Your premium clients expect you to be the best and you’re someone who can deliver the results that they are looking for.

Because you can.

You’re the best.

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Take a moment to imagine this with me..

See yourself in the near future, waking up easily on your schedule and feeling totally at peace, powerful, even a little excited…

That old fearful thought of “how am I going to make money today?” has disappeared. You’re no longer trapped by your fear but instead you’ve remembered who you really are and you know the entire Universe is conspiring on your behalf.

You get up and feel divine in your body, you dress beautifully in a way that makes you feel confident and feminine.

You know you are the best at what you do, you know exactly what your brand message is, what your high-end offer is, you are confident about your online presence, and you know with complete certainty that you now get to be paid just for being all of you and this certainty has dream high end clients reaching out to you like magic.

There are three ways you can work with me to help you make this a reality:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience :

    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day :

    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8 week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. When you try to hide your own brilliance, you’re effectively dumbing yourself down.

You know your gift and brilliance.

It’s time you embraced your own brilliance and became the icon that you really are.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Create your magic and iconic brand

Create your magic and iconic brand

Dear Beautiful,

Walking into a Dior boutique showroom is worlds away from walking into a Target store.

All the details are taken care of to create an experience you won’t find anywhere else.

They feel unique… 


And that magic is exactly what I want you to use when you create a space for your own audience.

When you operate at the luxury level, you want to offer your audience a magical experience.

An experience that they won’t find anywhere else.

A place that, once they enter it, they’ll hesitate to leave it.

Because if they do, they’ll feel as if they were leaving a truly magical place behind them and were coming back to Earth.

A world where they get to dream big and be incredibly creative…

This is one of the key elements to creating that iconic brand of yours.

And how to start turning on your magic?

Follow your desires.

Your desires are divine.

Your desires are the key that unlocks your next aligned action. Your desires are your divine GPS system.

You have to recognize them, name and claim them, give yourself permission to have them and at the very least start taking steps in their direction.

NOTHING magical is going to happen by ignoring your desires, pushing them down deep and hiding them away.

You have them for a reason, tune into what your soul desires are and start saying YES despite your fear!

Only your soul knows and you have to get deeply reconnected, build up your ability to trust yourself, tap into that powerful turned on energy that lives within you and start taking the aligned actions that feel amazing, makes you unstoppable and yes, creates real results as if by magic.

The way I work with my client is from energetic alignment to brand strategy. We tap into alignment and flow, the powerful energy where unlimited confidence, clarity and conviction lives and then create the aligned brand strategy over this divine femme energetic foundation to build your iconic brand and attract premium clients.

Feeling disconnected from your desires? Not sure how to hear them or know the aligned actions your soul is calling you to take?

Ready to tap into your soul essence, receive your soul guidance and abundance and give yourself full permission to be you and get paid for your unique gifts?

There are three ways you can work with me to give you the confidence to be who you are and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience :

    A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day :

    A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8 week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. You don’t work like everyone else, which means you can’t follow the forced, cookie-cutter systems that a lot of other business coaches put out there for you. 

Your business only works if it’s done with alignment, ease and flow. If it feels forced you will get frustrated with it, feel like it’s not working and start second guessing yourself.

Have you been feeling any of that?

It’s time you became an icon in your own industry.

I know you’ve got the brilliance in you to pioneer and innovate.

To deliver life-changing transformation to your audience.

My role is to help you start at the top and offer that brilliance to the select few.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

What makes you different?

What makes you different?

Dear Beautiful,

Today I want to talk about what makes YOU different. Not just your femme brand essence and what you do better than everybody else, but how you’re different. 

So many times, we settle for being boring.  We are taught not to be “too much” of anything.

This is exactly why I wanted to tell you today that you need to know why and how you’re different.

Learning how you’re different and how to use that is what will captivate your audience and give you the ultimate competitive advantage.

This is vital because all branding -- at its core -- is basically just about figuring out how one thing is different from another. How are you different from everyone else who does what you do? 

If you’re able to understand, express and embody what makes you different in a way that deepens your perception of value to your audience, then you can start to charge more and more for what you do because they believe that you’re the only one who can help them

A personal brand becomes powerful in that it’s a caricature of sorts, you’re choosing the elements that really reflect the essence of who you are, and you’re stripping away or de- emphasizing the things that don’t matter quite as much. 

When I work with my clients, we work on the 6 attributes that comprise who you are.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

The way you present yourself has a huge impact on your sense of self-worth.

Confidence is not just about how others see you. It’s also about feeling 100% comfortable in your skin.

Because if you want to feel confident spending time with a high-end, private client, you’ve got to first feel comfortable being with your own self.

That comfort will then give you the confidence to make and sell high-end offers.

Be who you are.

You can be memorable and magnetic, and stand out by being yourself, it’s that simple. When you translate who you are, and what your unique gift is to the world, magnetic things happen. 

There is no one on the planet like you. There may be people who offer the same service or product as you – but no one can offer it like you can, or has your unique viewpoint, creative expression, or story. The only way to stand out is to harness this individuality (while most other people won’t!), and express it.

This is something I know to be true because I’ve seen it happen over and over again with successful clients, friends, colleagues, and myself: When you have an online presence that reflects your true identity, the world re-arranges itself to gather at your feet.

It’s scary, which is why I say it isn’t easy - but the people who everyone admires have been courageous enough to do this.

There are three ways you can work with me to give you the confidence to be who you are and make and sell your high-end offers:

  1. Signature Branding Done-for-you Experience: A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. 

  2. High-end Branding VIP Day: A one-day VIP branding intensive to help you build your luxury branding system and a magnetic online image, and map out a luxury brand strategy.

  3. Next Level Brand 8 week immersion: The 8 week program covers:

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Do you know you've been playing small and ready to make this the year you create the freedom and soul biz you really desire?

So here’s the real question… where do you know you’re being invited forward that it’s time to say yes to? 

Go do that. Today.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.