Limitless Potential for 2022

Limitless Potential for 2022

Dear Beautiful,

We just headed into the last quarter of the calendar year. Is your brand prepared with the best possible chance of success?

Your brand is more than visuals and strategy. Your brand is an energy exchange that can elevate and transform others’ lives.

Here is my secret to getting myself ready for the most successful quarter/year ever: I focus on my belief, heart desires, feelings and frequency alignment first.

From there, the right plans, strategies and action steps will become obvious.

And these actions are then far more effective as I have stepped into that energy container and frequency as my future self.

Here are some of the divine projects I adore working on by the end of this year:

  • Working with my VIP 5-figure clients in my signature “Haute Couture” Luxury Branding Experience (fully booked for 2022);

  • Luxury Icon In-Person Branding Experience (October 2022);

  • New Live round of The Luxury Coach Program (Starting November 2022);

  • VIP event of the year - Luxury Branding Soiree (invitation-only private event for my private clients and high-vibe network);

  • Opening my year-long private coaching container for 2023

When you trust and claim that you're already the woman who can do this even if you don't know how, you're already starting to collapse the timeline of your growth.

That's what makes your energy a magnet for your people, your body a vessel for your highest-level ideas, and your brand a place where you and your clients feel they belong.

It takes a tremendous amount of energy and courage to walk a new path. And I choose evolution and growth over comfort. How about you?

Ask yourself…

What does your body tell you? Your brand? Your future self? 

Who do you have to be to do this?

And how are you already this person?

Sister, I see you.

I see your inner luxury icon,

Longing to be unleashed FULLY

I see your soul, 

Yearning for impact and purpose.

And I see your body.

Desiring to live this beautiful life fully.

I also see the resistance.

I see the doubts.

Do I have that inside myself? 

I want to let you know, from the depth of my heart, that I believe in you.

I would like to invite you to work with me to unleash your potential and the luxury icon within. Book your “Luxury Brand Discovery Call” and let’s chat about how we will work together.

I would also like to invite you to the “Limitless Summit” where I will be speaking about luxury branding. This event will be held for 3 days from 11 - 13 October 2022, and you can get your complimentary ticket here to end 2022 feeling empowered. 

The topics include:

  • Securing a Legacy

  • Turning Content Into Clients

  • Building Limitless Beliefs

  • How to Get Your Accounting Ready for The End of the Year

  • How Luxury is Built

  • New Design Skills

  • Words Mean Things

  • Sugar, Cocaine, and the Brain

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

How to Create a Luxury Brand

How to Create a Luxury Brand

Dear Beautiful,

How to create a luxury brand and attract high-end clients?

First, cultivate a luxury mindset towards money, abundance, luxury and embody the luxury icon within you.

Second, uncover your luxury brand essence and luxe factors that make you the only choice for your luxury clients.

Third, build a luxury online brand image and presence.

High-end clients are shopping for a premium brand like yours. But if you are not positioning yourself as a high-end brand, your brand is invisible to them.

My signature High-end Branding done-for-you services are designed to help you build a luxury branding system and a magnetic online image that makes your perfect luxury clients whoop: “This is the One!”

A luxuriously personal experience with the power to transform you and your brand from the inside out and how you’re perceived both online and offline. Each package will be carefully curated to your individual needs.

The only way for you to produce your absolute best work, create a difference, and make your vision come true, is to stop playing small and stop underselling yourself.

If you are ready to be visible, be iconic and charge premium prices for your products and services, then I will help you create an irresistible aura around your personal brand,  stand out from the crowd, and watch as high-end clients and partners come to you.

Here’s how we will work together:

Stage One: Luxury Brand Essence

A luxury brand begins with you, and so does our first stage, where we will unlock your brand abundance code, uncover your authentic brand essence, luxury brand messaging, and luxe factors.

Stage Two: Luxury Brand Image

We will infuse your essence and luxe factors into your brand's online presence, creating your luxury brand image that magnetises premium clients.

Stage Three: Luxury Brand Premiere

The third stage is where the beautiful collision of you and your brand come together online with your marketing collateral for the premiere.

Stage Four: Luxury Brand Empire

The final stage is to expand your brand empire and run a successful luxury brand and business with the lifestyle to match.

I have only one spot left for 2022 if you would like to work with me in this luxurious container to create a brand that reflects the luxury icon you truly are.

Book your “Luxury Brand Discovery Call” today and let’s chat.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

More Luxe More Profits

More Luxe More Profits

Hi Beautiful,

No matter where or how people first discover you, they will not make a buying decision without checking out your brand. This is especially true for premium clients and high-ticket offerings.

​When your luxury branding is done right, there is a direct impact on profit. There is a direct correlation between revenue and great branding.

Of course, the branding we are talking about is not just a pretty logo. From your brand name to your luxury brand essence, your luxe factors, your luxury brand positioning, to the premium brand identity and image, it all has to tell a cohesive story to generate the level of clients and success you desire. 

Here are a few ways how luxury branding has transformed my clients’ business:

- Stand out from the crowd in their market;

- Get clarity of their brand messaging;

- Premium brand positioning to sell their high-end products and services

- Attract their ideal high-end clients;

- Confidence in showing up;

- Recognition and credibility;

- Increased revenue and profits.

Your high-end brand online presence is your greatest marketing tool. When your luxury brand strategy is in place, you can create a magic world that attracts your dream high-end clients.

Is your current website reflects the luxury icon you truly are? Are your current clientele reflective of the premium clients you seek? Is your brand positioned to reach them? What is your core message and does it resonate with them?

If you are reading this, I know there’s a luxury brand in you. If you are not meant to fly, why would you have those wings? 

You’re never given a wish without the power to make it come true.

But how many times have you wished for more—more success, more money, more love, more … and nothing happened, no matter how hard you tried?

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

The biggest barriers to our heart’s desires are never ‘out there’ but lie buried deep in our unconscious - the beliefs that are in direct conflict with what we really want.

So I would like to gently remind and ask you. What are you wishing for, but haven’t been able to manifest? What do you think your internal barriers are to receiving it? What are your excuses?

Here’s an exercise for you. Notice how often you set a goal or express a desire and immediately start finding reasons why it can’t happen.

I see it all the time. A new client declares her desire—”I really want to uplevel my brand, work with high-end clients, and make more money,”—and then comes the ”but...”

I’m not sure if that suits me

I don’t have time

I’m too old

It’s not the right time

The purpose of our excuses is to keep fear at bay. Saying 'I can't' is just another way of saying 'I'm afraid’.

What excuses are holding you back from the luxury brand success you desire? 

If you are ready to drop off your excuses,  I will help you step into a deep level of honesty about what you really want. I want you to step into your more, your next level, your luxury brand, one that lights you up and inevitably impacts the world.

Book your “Luxury Brand Discovery Call” today and let’s create a luxe plan for your brand.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

Romancing with Your Luxury Brand

Romancing with Your Luxury Brand

Hi Beautiful,

Love bonds.

Love is the cosmic glue that bonds everything together.

The secret to bringing your dream luxury brand to life is to first fall in love with it.

When I help my clients create a luxury brand, the first thing we do is to create heart coherence with their future self or higher version of themselves and with their dream luxury brand.

You can fall in love with a future experience before the actual experience occurs. When you romance that vision of your luxury brand, you create a bond with it.

“In the 5-D world, everything is connected. Every thought is connected to every other possible thought – and every thought has a frequency. That means the thought of what we’re creating actually produces the immediate experience of having it.” – Dr Joe Dispenza

When you can experience the feeling of the frequency of your luxury brand in the quantum field, then the emotion or energy actually creates that experience.

When you create from the quantum field, you are creating from the source, which is pure love.

To romance with your future luxury brand, you need to take that leap into the unlimited possibility of creating from the source. Of creating from pure love. Of falling in love with your luxury brand … before it happens.

In my luxury brand intensive session, I work with my clients using my signature Luxury Icon Model, to create 

  • A Luxury Icon Identity

  • Mind coherence to unlock the brand abundance code

  • Soul alignment with your purpose and heart desires 

  • Next-Level Now to bring the future experience now

Because I want you to create your luxury brand from your future, not your past, from your higher self, not your ego self. And I want you to bring out your freest, your most joyful self, dance-on-the-tabletop-while-changing-the-entire-world-for-the-better self.

You are not just an amazing coach or entrepreneur. You are a fascinating, mesmerising Goddess Queen. I want you to remember who you really are. How powerful and amazing you truly are.

So many times I work with extraordinary women who are the brightest, most incredible talents in their field - but they have kept themselves playing small.

They could settle. But they are deeply unsettled.

There’s an inner knowing that they are destined for greatness and something much more.

They are meant for excellence. Making more impact. Becoming Iconic.

I believe that’s why you are here. 

If your online presence looks just like everyone else;

If the clients you are attracting are low-vibe;

If working on your business feels heavy and overwhelming;

If you are not excited by your brand, website or social feeds;

If you have been trying a bunch of things, but nothing made you feel elevated and unique…

It’s time to romance with your future and fall in love again with your brand.

If you are ready to stop playing small,  I will help you step into a deep level of honesty about what you really want. I want you to step into your more, your next level, your luxury brand, one that lights you up and inevitably impacts the world.

It’s a gift.

It’s a mission.

Book your “Luxury Brand Discovery Call” today and let’s create a luxe plan for your brand.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

Celebrate with Me

Celebrate with Me

Hi Beautiful,


Last week, I celebrated with the luxury icon members in “The Luxury Coach” program for completing the 10-week immersion experience with me. I am so proud of and so happy to see their transformation and stepping into their luxury icon version of themselves. My heart is full of gratitude when reading all those beautiful words from them.

“I got clarity on my vision, my luxury brand and my brand muse. Got great feedback on my book cover to be published, excellent art direction for my photoshoot. I got inspired to create my unique model of real transformation for enlighten women leaders. I am ready to write the content of my website.”

“My energy is higher and I feel very connected to my luxury iconic future self. I now nourrish my vision everyday.”

“I now have the confidence to share a new online offering”

“ I have a deeper trust in honouring my vision, and confidence in trusting my own creative self-expression”

“The experience is priceless.”

“Elva Li is modeling herself the Luxury Iconic brand.”

“The activations was wow powerful.”

“Love how you bring together the practical, spiritual and feminine energetic aspects into the branding concept”

“I adore being in your beautiful energy!”

“Thank you Elva, you have created such a comprehensive program that's infused with everything you stand for. It's evident you have invested extensively and are truly embodying everything you teach. This program is presented so beautifully and is a true reflection of your Luxury Icon!”

“Thank you Elva Li to create such a beautifully designed program and model for us. You are an inspiration. Like you said. I believe in you and love you.”

I invite you to join us to celebrate who we are and who we have become along the journey of unleashing our inner luxury icon and our luxury brand!

When you allow yourself to celebrate every step along the journey, that you appreciate an experience and you are saying to the Universe THANK YOU!

Celebrate all way-always.

Even you are still in the in-between part…

Where you're no longer the caterpillar but not yet the butterfly.

You don't yet know who you are. And you are no longer what you were.

Trapped inside old skin with a desire to stretch wings that have not yet formed.

This is rebirth.

Celebrate darling. 

The work you have done on yourself, and the work you will continue doing (inner, outer and higher work), will have a profound, far-reached effect: on you; on your loved ones; on your current and future clients; on their loved ones; on their clients; and the ripple effect …

My vision is that “as women are embodying their luxury icon and leaving their legacy, however large or small, the world is touched by our presence. It’s shaped by our light and the ripple effect we are creating.” 

My intention is to help more and more luxury icon to become the most iconic version of themselves, turn their dreams into reality and visions into visuals, through The Luxury Coach program. 

I believe there’s a luxury brand in you. I see you as a luxury icon.

The next round of “The Luxury Coach” immersion will be open at the end of this year. You can join the waitlist right here and you will be notified when the enrolment is open.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

The Art of Luxury Branding

The Art of Luxury Branding

Hi Beautiful,

I love fine things in life and luxury experiences.

And I am all about alignment and integration of inner work (mind and heart coherence), outwork (strategy and visuals) and higher work (spiritual and energetic work) when building your luxury brand.

But it wasn't always like this.

For years I followed "the rules" and what the experts told me to do in business.

And I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars doing things following the mainstream’s way.

And wondered why I couldn't get my business to the level I want.

Until I realised that my energy was not aligned to what I was doing.

I stopped following other people’s “rules”, but follow my heart instead.

And I acknowledged that I loved pleasurable and luxurious experiences.

So I started to build brand experiences the way I wanted to experience and buy.

I began turning my marketing and sales into a high-end experience for my clients.

When I got into deep alignment with my brand essence, my impact and income has grown rapidly. 

This is the Art of Luxury Branding.

I work closely with my clients using our signature The Luxury Model and Luxe Femme Brand System to refine, elevate, and expand their brand. While the work that we do with each client is fully customized to their business, the philosophy remains the same with each:

  • Inner work: Overcoming internal blocks, negative attitudes and limiting beliefs we have about money, luxury, influence; Uncovering the true essence of your brand and unleashing the luxury brand icon within you.

  • Outer work: Luxury brand strategies to uplevel brand messaging, translate the brand essence into an irresistible online presence, create a luxury brand experience and the elegant way of creating authority, visibility, influence.

  • Higher work: The energetic shift, the spiritual factor that infuses your luxury brand with a deeper meaning and soul alignment. 

I want you to become your luxury icon in the process, use your brand to pursue your highest purpose, and become your most iconic selves. And then help others and to become more of who we’re born to be, doing what we’re here on earth to do.

I want to empower you to own your luxury brand.

And that’s when you’ll notice a subtle but powerful shift occurring from “I want to create a Luxury Brand” to “I am meant to create a Luxury Brand.”

A luxury brand experience doesn’t just mean selling at a high ticket price and being exclusive; it’s built on your luxury icon leadership and the Luxury Model. 

It’s about creating that top-notch service, maintaining that mastery at the luxury level and reflecting that onto your clients and the experience they have with your brand. 

It’s about standing in high worth, and owning your power to lead and inspire.

Building your luxury brand allows you to have the freedom to do more as you secure your legacy and expand your impact.

If you are ready to unleash your inner luxury icon, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. You’ll walk away from this session with: 

>> Clarity of where your brand is at and what’s currently not working for you and your brand

>> Strategies for a high-end brand and brand your way to high-paying clients

>> An action plan to uplevel your brand to get you booked with your high-end paying clients

You are your legacy. You are the embodiment of your work.

The more you embodied you are, the more aligned you are, the higher capacity you can operate at, the more confidence you stand in your mastery and own your power to lead and inspire, and the more impact you will create.

Why is the recognition of power so important to us? Because we desire to feel our own power and legacy. 

Lead yourself first, not for followers, but to stay true to the legacy that is you.

Your luxury brand authority is You. You live by it. Live on brand. It’s our light that has the power to turn everyone’s light on when they forget. 

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

Unleashing the Luxury Icon within You

Unleashing the Luxury Icon within You

Unleashing your luxury brand is an embodied mind-soul-strategy practice. When you step into your luxury icon identity, believe more powerful, expansive thoughts about yourself, follow a proven luxury branding strategy, and then do the work to embody these into every cell of your being—magic happens. 

It’s much more than a beautiful logo or website, it’s about stepping into your vision beyond vision, create mind-based awareness and heart-based consciousness, and align with your soul desires.

And during the process, fear is a normal, inevitable, reaction any time you leave the comfort of the familiar and venture into the unknown.

In the expansive mind-soul-strategy session with one of my amazing private client this week, we talked about the fear of being visible and shining our light being ourselves. 

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne Williamson

Paradoxically, personal branding is about you but at the same time it isn’t. The more you put yourself out there, the less it becomes about you. Instead, it’s about what you represent. And those who are willing and ready, will accept the call to adventure that only you can offer.  

When you are willing to walk the talk, practice what you preach, and model your work in the world, you inspire other people to do the same. 

It’s then and only then that you can start to create a massive trust and credibility, make a huge impact, a huge income and really change people’s lives -- not just with what you do but with who you are. 

When you embody your inner icon, alignment with your true genius, step into your audacious power, you inspire others to do the same

Please celebrate your brilliance and let the world know about your gifts.

You are full of gratefulness and grace.

I hope this message resonates with some of you who have been hiding your light.

It's time to step into your fullest, most potent power.  It's truly extraordinary when you finally allow yourself to be fully seen.

As you are being you and leaving your legacy, however large or small, the world is touched by your presence. It’s shaped by your power. 

If you are ready to unleash your inner luxury icon, I invite you to three luxurious life-changing days with me in Melbourne this October. During our time together, you will walk away with: 

  • Crystal clarity of your luxury brand essence and a luxury brand messaging to position yourself as an authority and leader in your field.

  • Your signature personal style and brand image guide

  • Luxury brand photoshoot including make-up and hair styling

You will also be pampered with a luxury hotel experience, fine dining, spa treatment, etc.

If you did everything in your brand in, and with, the energy of it’s safe to being you and being seen, what would change? 

You can choose to think, believe, embody and act upon—and activate—the energy of your luxury icon.

When you show up embodying that, you activate something in the space around you. The air becomes more charged with possibility and potential. Future you feels closer, because you're already walking the path to the success you so deeply desire to create. It's already a part of you. You are already successful, and the people around you feel this. You don't need to say it. You simply need to be it.

What would you be allowing, stepping into and activating?

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

Luxury In Person Branding Experience

Luxury In Person Branding Experience

Hi Beautiful,

A key part of standing out online, being memorable, and attracting the right premium clients is a high-quality iconic brand image.

People are not just buying your services, they are buying what your brand stands for and your brand image says a lot about you without any words! How your clients see you is how they will relate to you. Visuals have huge impact on our emotions and it directly determines the connection your clients have with your brand.

High-end clients are shopping for a premium 5 or 6 figure offer like yours. But if your online image doesn't make them want to stop and select you, then no amount of advertising or PR will boost your high-ticket sales.

Your brand image is so important because when you can be easily recognized by your high-end clients, it can lead to high-ticket sales.

My private clients invest thousands of dollars to work with me because they are able to generate tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars in return with a luxury brand image. 

Beauty is intrinsic in luxury but online it doesn’t come easily for everyone. In the last two weeks, I have guided the members in The Luxury Coach program through a proven process to create a luxury brand image, starting from discovering the Luxe Femme Brand Archetype, the colours, fonts, to creating an iconic logo, luxury photoshoot and premium website.

And I am so excited to let you know that you can work with me in a VIP 3-day intensive to create your luxury brand image. I got asked so many times about when I will open my in-person VIP day again in the past year. 

I am now inviting you to three luxurious life-changing days with me in Melbourne this October. During our time together, you will walk away with: 

  • Crystal clarity of your luxury brand essence and a luxury brand messaging to position yourself as an authority and leader in your field.

  • Your signature personal style and brand image guide

  • Luxury brand photoshoot including make-up and hair styling

You will also be pampered with a luxury hotel experience, fine dining, spa treatment, etc. 

As you are reading this, I know there’s a luxury brand in you.

I know that you've always known you are meant to do something big and you are determined to fulfill your soul’s calling.  

I know you've always pictured yourself having this luxurious, stand-out brand that is built on purpose. 

It’s time to step into your luxury icon status. 

Building your luxury brand is not just about you, it’s about owning your mastery, showing up as an example so that others can see what’s possible when they work with you.

Claiming the luxury icon identity is the norm inside of my group program and all of my clients.

You should claim it too.

Because you are a luxury icon standing in high worth and owning your ability to lead and inspire.

Because you can create beauty, abundance, and impact through your life’s work and show others what’s possible.

I believe in you. 

My gift is in seeing your potential, uncovering your luxe essence, and translating it into a luxury brand for you. 

It's time your brand image matches your inner luxury icon.

I have no doubt this 3-day VIP Intensive will transform your brand to a luxury level. Reply “Luxury Icon” if you feel called to work with in this container. I will personally reply to you with all the details. There are only 3 spots available.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker