Chérie Luxury Femme,

I believe you are reading this because just like all the clients I work with, you desire to position yourself as a premium expert in your field, create a luxury brand that attracts only the aligned high-level clients, charge premium pricing and build a boutique luxury business rather than a volume-based business playing at the bottom end of the market competing on price.

Over the years of working with luxury femmes like you, I found there are some common myths about what a boutique luxury business model. These myths stopped so many people from the profits, freedom and impact they can make. So I would like to share with you today so that you can stop wasting your time in the mass market model and start your luxury path to profits, freedom and impact.

Myth No. 1: “I need to work my way up to the luxury niche.”

I cannot tell you how many times I hear talented coaches and experts saying “I want to build a luxury brand, but I need to be more accessible to build a large audience base first.”

That’s exactly what the mass market business model taught us to do: start with low-end offers, build a large audience and customer base with a broad messaging, and then work your way up to charge premium to the luxury niche.

Now think about what all of the luxury brands such as Chanel, Dior, Rolex, etc do?

They start with luxury offerings with high-end clients (e.g. their haute couture) to build brand prestige, loyalty, and reputation. The luxury business model uses a top-down strategy. They focus on the luxury offerings first and then leverage their luxury brand image to reach a broader range of consumers through more accessible offerings (e.g. ready-to-wear, bags, make-up and perfume line, etc) over time.

You don’t need to spend years waiting for your audience to work their way up from a “bottom up” buyer’s journey. You start at the top when you use a boutique luxury business model. And when you add at least 6 figures to your business through your luxury offerings (your luxury profit center), you can then choose if you want to leverage your brand authority to launch your “lipstick” or “perfume” lines.  

You are the créme da la créme at what you do, so let your business model and marketing reflect that.

Myth No.2: “I need to sell my offers to thousands of people to make a big impact.”

The truth is your impact is not merely measured by the number of programs sold.

Let me ask you, how many times have you bought a low-end program and never finished it, or even did not start it?

Let’s look at this example: Imagine you sold your $97 program to 10,000 people, but only 1% of them completed the whole program and achieved success from your program.

On the other hand, imagine you sold only 20 luxury 5-figure offerings but 90% of those luxury clients completed the whole experience and got their return back on their investments due to the high proximity, high-touch luxury experience, personal attention and accountability (and also they are high-invested themselves). And those clients renew your services again and again. How much added value can you deliver compared to a $97 program? What’s the exponential ripple effect it can create?

There is no right or wrong here. For the volume-based model, it is impacting lots of people’s lives and of course you can increase the success rate by investing in teams and the process. But I know most of my clients are not keen on having a large team and client base to manage every day and the stress and overwhelm comes with the large scaling.

The boutique luxury business is a choice based on your business and lifestyle goals. My point here is that it can make a large impact because the impact is measured by the client's success and transformation, the meaningful relationship you built and the ripple effect it is creating.

Myth No.3: “I need to hustle on social media and have a large following.”

With the growth of social media platforms like TikTok, it makes us think if we want to grow our business, we must master social media marketing.

Lots of time, when my clients first come to me, their questions are all about how to film an Instagram reel that gets thousands of views; what are the hashtags I should use; what is the latest trend or algorithm change, etc.

Until they realise that social media is not a must to grow a boutique luxury business. Yes, social media can be a great visibility tool when used well. And it’s that what you love doing, I am cheering you on that. But it doesn’t have to be the only marketing tool you rely on. You don’t have to hustle on social media if you decide that’s not part of your marketing strategy. It can simply be a brand asset and part of your luxury online presence.

For a boutique luxury business, you need to be strategic about your visibility strategy. You don’t need to waste hours filming videos, creating Tiktok content, go viral etc. Because a luxury business is not about getting content in front of as many eyes as possible, and most of the time your ideal luxury clients are not sitting there all day scrolling through their social media feed.

To build a 6 figures+ boutique luxury business, you only need a tiny handful of people who highly value your expertise and ready to start at the high level working with you. And there are more effective ways to attract and be visible to those people using the luxury marketing approach. Your number of followers on social media doesn’t matter. What matters is your unwavering conviction and confidence in your offering and the transformation you can co-create with your clients, the aligned luxury messaging and marketing strategy to be seen by your high-level clients.

I know you are ready to operate at the highest level of a boutique luxury business gives your true profits, freedom and impact. Let's co-create together to:

  • Identity your Créme de la Créme niche and most aligned next-level clients

  • Package your unique talents and skills into a luxury offering that creates a sense of prestige and desire for your high-level clients

  • Craft your luxury messaging that engages your luxury clients emotionally to you as the only choice

  • Design a luxury online presence that reflects your iconic essence and makes your ideal clients say “Yes, that’s the one for me.”

  • Implement a simple but effective luxury marketing strategy that aligns with your goals, lifestyle and feminine soul, without a complicated marketing process, big team, or complex process

  • Curate a well-defined luxury buyer journey and luxurious client experience that makes your high-level clients come back again and again.

Book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call below or DM me here if you prefer messaging, and I will send you more information to see whether we are a good fit to co-create together.

To the luxury of YOU,


Luxury Brand and Wealth Activator