Chérie Femme,

When you are on the top, money comes easily.

Be the crème de la crème. True luxury will always rise above. When you are on the top, money comes easily.
— Elva Li

Money is a by-product of devotion and mastery;

Money is a by-product of emotional intelligence;

Money is a by-product of growth and wisdom;

Money is a by-product of energetic frequency…

The goal is never money; The goal is always your purpose work, your mastery of what you do, your impact of being you…

Focus on your mastery. Focus on being a true luxury brand. 

AI is now seen as a big threat to lots of businesses. However, luxury brands may have less to fear from AI than a number of others. 

Luxury is an indulgent human choice, a whim. It is not needed, only desired. The process of creating desire in luxury is complex but it is often idiosyncratic and unique: the reason why one brand is preferred to another in luxury is seldom logical. In fact, it is often irrational. Machines, however sophisticated, are programmed to be logical.” – Barton Diary March 2023

I believe the AI will make true luxury more sought after. Just like you can buy factory-made bags everywhere, but nothing can replace the craftsmanship and human creativity in a Hermes bag. 

Luxury is measured by how you make people feel. It is the ability to tailor a moment for the ultimate “emotional impact.” It’s not about AI and automation. You need to focus on your heart instead. Every segment of luxury is focusing on making the client feel special with a service tailored just to them. 

I think it's well said that "The more humans are involved with a brand, the more meta-luxury that brand is."

Be the crème de la crème. True luxury will always rise above. When you are on the top, money comes easily.

Focus on rising to the top and being the true luxury brand.

When you have a true luxury brand, you are always being sought after, and you always have an audience willing to listen, and invest in your mastery.

The right people will feel that sense of confidence in your energy, they will trust you. Growing your business will be full of joy and fun.


In Iconic - The Luxury Coach Mastermind, I will support you to become the crème de la crème, build a true luxury brand to give off instant expert vibes, become the first person your followers think of when they need an expert in your niche, attract high-value clients, and expedite opportunities and fast track your growth.

Imagine 12 months from now... 

  • Waking up with a huge smile on your face as you celebrate all of the amazing things that have happened in your business and in your life;

  • High-end soulmate clients and customers show up as if by magic, they’re so inspired by you, they’re creating real transformation in their own lives and they’re telling everyone about you; 

  • You are living a luxurious beautiful lifestyle on your terms while your revenue has easily doubled to multiple 6 figures or 7 figures with grace and elegance;

  • You are making an impact and contributing to causes that matter to you. You feel like a goddess queen who is in charge and working for her purpose…

Or you can continue on the same old path and in the same place that you are today. Maybe a few more clients, but you are not living your full potential and your most iconic version of yourself…

It is your choice to make. Which one will you choose?

Big dreams require something bigger of you, and that will always trigger fear.

Fear is not something to be feared....but regret is.

It's time.

And I am here to support you. 

Limited spots are available in the Iconic - The Luxury Coach Mastermind. The doors will close as soon as the spots are sold out. And there are only 2 spots left in 2023 for the Opulence Upgrade option. 

To your luxury brand,

Luxury Branding Queen