Chérie Luxury Femme

Last week I talked about levelling our identity to step into the luxury frequency and ignited your embodies and feminised luxury brand. I love getting your high-vibe responses. I adore this comment on my IG post:

Lately I’ve asked myself what would Elva recommend? It’s helped boost my quality and I’ll exclude luxury in no time!
— Netta

I am cheering you all on the journey of levelling and embodying your luxury icon version! And I feel so honoured that I could be your external inspiration in the process.

I remember when I first started my journey of embodying a more elegant life, I read the book” What Would Audrey Do?: Timeless Lessons for Living with Grace and Style” and I will ask myself “What would Audrey do?” when I want to embody my inner Audrey.

And gradually I learnt how to turn to my inner higher self - the future Elva- for advice and insights.  

This journey of levelling is not always pretty, but it’s always beautiful! And the Universe will test you on the way to see if you are ready.

I shared my story last week that I have spent six figures on various coaching and programs in the beginning years of building my business and it always didn’t work in the way I’d hoped. And I ended up feeling the same “it works for other women, but not for me.”

Until I realised that “it didn’t work” because I hadn’t made the identity shift from who I once was to who I actually desire to be. 

I was still that “good girl” listening to everyone else except my own true desires. I put the power of transformation on the course/program/strategy rather than on myself.

Once I understand how my identity, the one lodged deep inside me is my controller, I started to change my business and life by up-levelling my identity to the Elva I want to be. 


And that’s why when I work with my clients, this is the first thing we work on together. The identity work changes how they see themselves, how they make decisions, how they carry themselves, and how their brand attracts dream clients. 

Tapping into the luxury frequency using feminine energetics and identity work is the foundation to create the luxury magnetism in your brand to attract luxury clients, manifest abundance, and create a luxury brand with a lifestyle to match.

My luxury branding coaching works because it integrates inner work, out work and higher work and works on the 4 luxe pillars of an Embodied and Femininised Luxury Brand:

  • Luxury Frequency

  • Luxury Essence

  • Luxury Image

  • Luxury Attraction 


This is what Merina achieved just after our first 20-minute session.


Beautiful, think of yourself as already BEING the woman that you aspire to be. Who are you aspiring to be? What dreams are you working towards?

Do you aspire to be a woman who wakes up and loves what she does for a living every day? Travels often, spiritually secured, and financially stable? …

If you don’t yet have a vision yet, then let it be your purpose to become the best version of yourself:

Rise with gratitude and the intention of love and self-care.

Take a sensual breath, fully, strongly, and deeply.

Replace an inherited belief with a new, positive belief.

Get to know yourself again.

Affirm that happiness and love, and growth, all live in this every moment.

And remember: Where you are going, and who you are becoming is for you to decide. 

Grab some tea, coffee, or sparkling water, and host a journal session for yourself on the questions to clarity:   

12 months from now…

  • Where am I living?

  • Who am I with?

  • What am I doing?

  • How do I feel?

  • What makes me joyful?

  • Why am I doing what I do?

  • What have I added to my life?

  • What have I let go of?

  • How did I get to where I am?

I am here to support you. If you want to elevate your brand so that you can wake up and loves what you do for a living every day and create a luxury brand that is true to you and brings you abundance, joy, and freedom, let’s have a chat. It’s easier than you think. Give yourself permission to BE!

I am now taking personal brand coaching clients and you can book your complimentary call here.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen

P.S.  Problems have a purpose. They’re trying to get your attention.

The place to begin is admitting what’s not working in your business and life. Once you realize your challenges are purposeful, they need no longer be painful. Once you stop seeing them as stumbling blocks, you can start using them as stepping-stones.

The moment you stop waiting and start acting, you have the opportunity to walk through a doorway to a richer, fuller, more abundant life.

A life that allows for the expression of your creativity and exchanging your rare and special gifts with the world.

If you are ready to take the action and create a luxury brand with a lifestyle to match, let’s chat. It’s easier than you think.