Does your current brand image reflect your iconic essence and attract premium clients?
I did a poll on my Instagram story and I can’t believe how many of you said “No”. So I did a mini-training on how to create a premium brand image that reflects your iconic essence and attracts premium clients and I shared three tips to really help you do that.
Tip 1: Create your signature “luxe brand perfume formula” that made of your unique brand essence and luxe factors
When I work with my clients, this is one of the few things we do first before going into the visuals. We work on the brand manifesto, values, voice, personality, etc before we develop the visual brand from there. The “luxe brand perfume formula” is the key thing we work on to define your unique brand essence and luxe factors that attract your high-end clients.
Top Note
Just like the “top note” of perfume, your luxe factors set first impressions and are the scents people detect first. Their function is to attract. They are what make the perfume alive and result in a unique scent experience. Your luxe factors attract your clients and audience to you and make you stand out.
heart Note
Your luxe flair is the heart note of your perfume. The foundation of any fragrance lies in its heart notes which make up anywhere from 40 to 80% of the total scent. Thanks to the heart notes, the fragrance takes on shape and volume. Your luxe flair is the foundation of your essence.
base Note
Your luxe foundation is just like the base note, its ultimate function is to provide a lasting impression of the fragrance. It’s your purpose and legacy.
Both the heart (your luxe flair) and the base note (your luxe foundation) work together to deepen the scent introduced in the top note (your luxe factors) and create the full body of the fragrance.
Tip 2: Find out your Luxe Femme Brand Archetype and use it as a guide to align your brand essence with your brand image and visuals
One of the keys to creating a Soul-aligned Luxury Brand is to align your divine feminine brand personality with your luxury brand.
And to do that? You need to know exactly what your femme brand personality type is. Are you the Creative, the Goddess, the Healer or maybe you are the Queen?
The Creative
Natural Element: Air
Season: Spring
Femme Archetype: Maiden
Your brand visuals need to be able to align with your archetype attributes of clarity, simplicity, sparkling, and creativity. If not, you can be perceived as downmarket, and unreliable.
The Goddess
Natural Element: Fire
Season: Summer
Femme Archetype: Goddess
Your brand visuals need to be able to align with your archetype attributes of elegance, graceful and stylish. If not, your drive for perfection can be perceived as lack spontaneity and sometimes too formal.
The Healer
Natural Element: Earth
Season: Autumn
Femme Archetype: Medicine Woman
Your brand visuals need to be able to align with your archetype attributes of nature, authenticity, and earthy. If not, your brand can be perceived as bossy and rebellious.
The Queen
Natural Element: Water
Season: Winter
Femme Archetype: Queen
Your brand visuals need to be able to align with your archetype attributes of opulent, self-assured, and visionary. If not, your brand can be perceived as being cold and uncaring.
What is your Luxe Femme Brand Archetype?
Take this 2 min quiz now to discover your Femme Brand Archetype so you can align it with your Luxury Brand.
Tip 3: Create strategic branding based on the luxury brand model and positioning
As a female entrepreneur building a business online, your online presence is your haute couture show; your personal branding is that haute couture attire. You decide how you want to show up every time your ideal client land on your website, social media, etc. Create your branding based on who you want to become and where you want to go next, not where you are right now.
Luxury takes time. A luxury brand is timeless. A lot goes into planning and designing a strategic brand that withstands the test of time.
Using a luxury brand model and knowing your luxury positioning, we can then design captivating brand identities and visuals that make your premium clients say yes that’s the one for me. For example, curating gorgeous fonts that make your brand stand out in your market; choosing an amazing color palette that triggers the emotions of your luxury client; designing a luxury logo and submark that builds your luxury brand recognition.
Don’t make the mistake of creating a visual brand that doesn’t consider your brand strategy and positioning. You don’t want to choose typography and colors that look cheap and say something completely different than what you represent.
Some signs that your brand strategy and image may need work are:
You’re not consistently attracting the premium clients you want into your business, and you're unsure where to start.
Your audience struggles to tell why you’re different from other brands and question your higher price point.
You don't feel confident about your brand message, so your marketing is all over the place or barely existent.
You want to expand to the next level, but you aren’t confident that your current online presence matches the trajectory of your future business.
So this is exactly what I help my clients with in my Haute Couture Luxury Branding Experience. You’ll have:
a compelling luxury brand message that attracts your premium clients to your business with ease and elegance
a clear luxury position that makes you a luxury brand and the “crème de la crème” of your niche
luxury visual branding identity will align with your values and captivate your high-end clients
A high-end website and online presence that convert your visitors into clients and loyal fans.
If you want to create your luxury brand positioning and image that reflects your iconic essence and attracts high-quality luxury clients, become iconic in your field, then I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.
To your luxury brand,
Luxury Branding Queen