Chérie Femme,

Quiet luxury is the trend now. Let’s talk about it.

The embrace of quietness within the realm of luxury is often seen as a commendable return to the core principles of excellence and artistry. True luxury, at its core, embraces a commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and timeless elegance. 

In my view, fundamentally, the objective of quiet luxury and loud luxury is the same: to present oneself as an elevated version of themselves. Loud luxury achieves this by overtly proclaiming its status through conspicuous symbols and iconography, while quiet luxury accomplishes it through meticulous dedication to an opulent aesthetic. In reality, those on the path to success will perpetually strive to emulate the esteemed figures at the pinnacle of achievement.

When it comes to luxury branding, both loud and quiet approaches serve distinct purposes. Loud luxury, with its bold and opulent expressions, seeks to make an immediate statement, capturing attention and projecting a sense of confidence and ostentation. 

On the other hand, quiet luxury takes a more understated and refined approach. It relies on subtlety, impeccable craftsmanship, and a curated aesthetic to exude an aura of exclusivity and discerning taste. It speaks volumes without uttering a word, appealing to those who value the finer details and appreciate a more nuanced form of sophistication.

There is no right or wrong here. The key thing here is that it must authentically reflect the brand’s essence, style, values, aspirations and desired image projection.


When I work with my luxury clients, my role is to understand their unique desires and preferences and guide them towards a luxury branding strategy that resonates with their target audience while staying true to their core values. Whether it's embracing the allure of flamboyance or the allure of subtlety, the world of luxury branding offers endless possibilities for you to craft your desired image of elevated refinement and distinction.

But first, you need to see yourself as the elevated version first. People don't see you through their eyes, they see you through yours. Your audience will only see you according to how you see yourself.

None of these loud or quiet luxury branding matters, if deep down, you see yourself as a low-ticket coach who isn't as "good" as "the big names". If you are walking around thinking of yourself that way, your potential clients will too.

So how do you see yourself differently and step into that elevated version?

First, you make one single decision to become her and act like her. Because you are what you repeatedly do.

You step into her, and become one with her. You love this elevated version of you. You nurture this elevated version of you. You move forward as this elevated version of you.

So if you want to be that confident, top-notch, luxury coach who is the Creme de la creme of her niche, and knows she worthy of all her desires, you need to say Yes to yourself first.

Decide that this is the year you become the crème de la crème, charge, sell and attract like the crème de la crème.

When you are on the top, you don’t chase money, you don’t run after a yes. You captivate. You magnetize. You mesmerize. The yes comes to you.

If you are ready, I will support you to become the crème de la crème in your niche, build a luxury brand to give off instant expert vibes, become the first person your followers think of when they need an expert in your niche, attract high-value clients, and expedite opportunities and fast track your growth.

Your elevated version awaits. Your luxury brand awaits. Let’s have a chat.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen