Your gift is your presence

Your gift is your presence

Dear Beautiful,⠀⠀⠀

I am sitting at my desk and just feel inspired to share with you this message: Your gift is your presence.

The greatest ability you have to impact or serve is just in BEING.

When you are in ALIGNMENT, truly doing your soul work you’re doing nothing at all, not one little thing except for opening your mouth, your heart, your cells, your soul.. and letting what is in there out.

When you are at your strongest and most powerful you are simply being.

In that space and in that place and from that GRACE what needs to flow, flows.

What needs to be felt, is felt.

What MUST be transmitted, is.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

It’s time to drop the struggle and fully step into alignment with your Femme Brand and get paid as the soul led femme leader you’re meant to be!

I’ve just opened new spots in 2021 for my highest level brand experience with an up leveled energy to support you in creating the powerful, profitable, soul led femme brand you truly desire with a fresh, powerful reboot for the new year. 

With a 10 year background in business advisory and as a qualified personal stylist, coach and NLP practitioner, I have combined my creative flair with my business savviness to help visionary female coaches and founders elevate their brand and step into their next level through the unique FemmeBrand system. I integrate holistic brand strategy, creative direction, and mindset work to translate the soul of who you are onto the screen — so that you can elegantly increase your perceived value, expand your influence, and create more impact.

I know exactly how to embody the femme brand you know you’re meant to be and would love to support you in creating your 6 or 7 figure highly profitable soul-led business. 

What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,



2021 is the year to let go.. Of the stress, the anxiety, the overwhelm. Currently you are the one holding on to it –– and you don’t have to. Not any more. All you need to do is make a decision.. And put an end to the cycle of mediocrity!

Here is one of my favourite prayer for surrender when I am feeling out of alignment 

“Today I surrender my goals and plans to the care of the Universe.

I offer up my agenda and accept spiritual guidance.

I trust that there is a plan far greater than mine.

I know that where there once was lack and limitation, there are spiritual solutions and creative ideas.

I step back and let love lead the way. Thy will be done.”

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 

There’s still time for your Christmas miracles!

There’s still time for your Christmas miracles!

Dear Beautiful,⠀⠀⠀

It is that time of the year - the time of gorgeous gifting, receiving and most importantly, loving.

In celebration of this special time of the year and my deep acknowledgement and appreciation for YOU choosing to on this journey with me to continuously stepping into our next level, I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and I have created a beautiful holiday card for you (you can download it here and send it to your loved ones).

Elva Li FemmeBrand

2020 has gifted us access to new conversations, new opportunities and a new way of seeing the world…

All of what you experience, all of it…is guiding you somewhere special.

Maybe you are being called to a new version of you…

Maybe you are ready to let go of old structures, paradigms, ways of being, believing...

Are you ready to step into your next level in 2021?

Choosing to believe that what you feel inside of you is real and showing up for it fully starting now is the difference between those who live their desires and those who just dream about them.

I would like to share with you what you can expect to see from me and how I can support you next year:

  • I'll be working with a limited number of 1:1 clients, to help them elevate their brand and step into their next level with elegance and ease. If you'd like to work together, hit reply and we can chat more. 

  • I’ll launch a mastermind + mentoring program to help a small group of clients get clarity of their Femme Brand essense, feel confident about their brand online, land high-end clients and position their business in the category of one. If you're interested, hit reply and let’s chat.

  • I've been working on my fashion and lifestyle brand to support women live in beauty, freedom and in alignment with their femme brand.

  • I am planning a few intimate FemmeBrand in person events in beautiful inspiration places...

  • And... there are some other beautiful projects that I feel aligned in the works that I'll tell you about later. 

I know this year has been... a lot.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, however you're managing, you're doing an amazing job.

Be gentle, go slowly, give yourself some grace and a lot of compassion.

And there’s still time to create your Christmas miracles

- Where do you know you’re being invited forward that it’s time to say yes to?

- Where do you feel called to the energy of an experience or investment that you've been avoiding but know you must take action on in order to be in alignment and live your destiny, now?

- Where have you been investing comfortably (if that) that it’s time to stretch a bit outside of your comfort zone into your new level?

Go do that. Today.

To your continual expansion.

I am soul grateful that you are on this journey alongside me to truly discover the truth of who you are, your most radiant expression, your unique personal brand, your sacred mission on this planet. Thank you for saying yes to stepping into your next level. The world needs you.

Okay that's (probably) it from me for this year.

I'm sending you lots of love and good vibes for a happy, healthy, safe and love-filled holiday period, and I'll be back in your inbox in the new year.

From my heart to yours,


P.S. Thank you for being here, it means a lot and I'm so very grateful for you. I have created a beautiful holiday card for you (you can download it here and send it to your loved ones)

If there’s anything I can support you to step into your next level brand, hit reply and let me know I will personally answer each email reply.

I'm sending you lots of love and good vibes for a happy, healthy, safe and love-filled holiday period, and I'll be back in your inbox in the new year.

How I Grew My Business To 5-Figures/Month

How I Grew My Business To 5-Figures/Month

Dear Beautiful,⠀⠀

I always say that upgrading our thoughts, energy, mindset and actions is always worth it. 

Leveling up—the next level of abundance, visibility, branding...—is always worth it. 

I was interviewed and featured on the Starter Story last week: How I Grew My Business To 5-Figures/Month

I shared that one of my biggest learnings to upleveling to my next level is to do my business in an aligned feminine way, to use a holistic framework, and infuse feminine ritual to my soul-centered business. 

I have been working with my business mentor on a mental, material, emotional and spiritual level, allowing me to find alignment between myself and my business and tap into my natural state of flow: where I found the opportunities, material successes, and a deeper sense of fulfillment. 

I have learned how to balance the masculine (“go” or ”Yang”) and the feminine (“flow” or ”Yin”) essence in my business. I now allow more “flow” into my business and let go of a business model that is based on extreme effort, people-pleasing, and burnout. I set my boundaries and choose what I am available for and what I am not available for.

If you’re confused about how to move forwards, if you know that something has to change yet you’re not quite sure what it is, make the choice to open up and receive guidance on what to let go of, what to create in its space, and where you can flow to next.

Create in alignment with what works for you, and you’ll create a business that nourishes, supports and sustains you and your clients.

What do you need to do to open up to more joy in your business? Now go do that (with ease and flow).

If something isn’t working in your business, don’t force it. Let it go. Simplify it. Work from flow, not from force. Something else—something better—will flow to you and fill its place.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Read my interview here

I believe that:

Everything is always working out for me

I literally can’t make a wrong decision

The better it gets, the better it keeps on getting

The easier it gets, the easier it keeps on getting

And most importantly, I fully believe that the dreams and desires I see inside of me are real and I know that I wouldn’t even be able to dream them up unless they were possible.

The same is true for you.

And this is why a core part of the branding experience for my clients, we focus on the mindset work and bring back the alignment to the brand, so that they can think, feel and be the most confident, successful, wealthy and free, aligned version of themselves.

What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. I was interviewed and featured on the Starter Story last week: How I Grew My Business To 5-Figures/Month.

If I could speak to my past self right now I would tell her that she can trust herself, she can trust what she’s feeling inside. And I would support her in being really honest with herself about what she actually desires and show her how to always know the aligned action to take, specifically for her, that will take her to the outcome she really wants.

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 

It’s your business, and your choice

It’s your business, and your choice

Dear Beautiful,

You always have the freedom.

Our greatest freedom is our ability to choose how we feel and react, to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way.

There’s lots of people with time and money who don’t feel free. But once you realize your ability to feel free is on the inside and that no one can take it away from you unless you let them -- that’s where your power truly lies.

As you harness that power and become a master of your internal state, time and money become easy.

The truth is, you have the freedom. 

When I’m working with my clients to bring alignment in their brand, I work with them to find the freedom and power within them. 

You have the freedom to shift your mindset from “I feel stuck. I feel something is missing” to “I give myself time and space to realign with my vision. I receive support to help me get clarity.”

You have the freedom to shift your energy from depletion and lack of motivation into alignment and flow.

You have the freedom to shift from taking action from a place of fear into taking purposeful, aligned action that reinforces your commitment to yourself, your vision and your dreams.

You have the freedom to shift your strategy from hustling and burnout to injecting soul into your brand strategy and your actions become supercharged and way more impactful.

You have the freedom to shift your goals from putting pressure on yourself to reach that specific financial goal to opening up to all levels of receivership available to you, trusting that you can get to where you want to be via multiple routes.

You have the freedom to shift your dreams from following the dreams of a past version of yourself, to letting the old go and following the path of the new higher version.

You have the freedom to shift your brand direction and give yourself permission to pivot and change your mind when it feels right and true for you.

When we give ourselves the permission and freedom in our business and brand, we start to see the different possibilities and bring the alignment to us. 

Elva Li FemmeBrand.png

In order to live your fullest expression, you must be so bold to listen to and honor the whisper of your soul.

To say yes to that deep calling even if it feels scary, different or uncomfortable. Especially if it does.

And a shift has been calling you for some time...

If you are ready,  I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,

P.S. I’ve always wanted to live a life I love, do work that makes a positive impact in others lives, live in true prosperity with more than enough money for all my desires and real, growing wealth, while having total freedom to do whatever I want on my own schedule. This special year has brought me back to alignment more than ever.

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 

Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one.

Before you can become a millionaire, you must learn to think like one.

Dear Beautiful,⠀

I just celebrated my birthday on Monday. I like what my partner wrote on my birthday card, “Birthdays are one of those wonderful opportunities in life to show gratitude! Gratitude to enjoy and celebrate those around that are close, a chance to be grateful that you are who you are but grateful that you can become even more!

I am grateful for who I am and have become. 

I am grateful that I asked myself and journaled the more meaningful and wise higher self questions: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where am I clinging to lower-self living? Where are unintegrated pieces of myself manifesting in my outer world? What can I do now to elevate my physical world experience and the planet?

I am grateful that I invested in my personal or professional development that enriched my life emotionally, spiritually and financially. I invest tens of thousands each year into my personal and professional development — I have coaches, mentors, courses, communities and qualifications that I devote myself to, and I credit this to the quantum-leap in my successes.

I am grateful that I am embodying and practicing what I want to show up in my life and business. We don't attract what we want, we attract what we are. If we want something or somebody to show up in our business or our lives, we need to be it to see it!

We are being given a year to unleash our creativity, rebirth ourselves, start new careers, make major shifts, cleanse our life of everything that is untrue. 

Shed the fear that you have to be perfect, to be successful and visible. And underneath that is a desire to be accepted and acknowledged, witnessed and seen.

Allow yourself to be seen, and trust that by letting others see you, you allow yourself to see them too.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

“When we see others—when we really see others—that is when we can lift them up alongside ourselves, that is when we can support them, and that is when we can move, grow, evolve and connect alongside them.”

I am now writing to you with gratitude that you allow my email to reach your inbox every week and I see you. You inspire me to do what I do and hope my weekly email adds inspiration and light into your brand and life. And what I would like to say to you is:

“A few years back, not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like you doesn't come along all that often. In fact, there's never been a single one like you, nor is there ever ANY possibility that another will come again. You're an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no others will EVER hear, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER, ever be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe and ALL THAT IS would be less.

Quite simply:

You're the kind of person,

Who's hard to forget,

A one-in-a-million

To the people you've met.

Your friends are as varied

As the places you go,

And they all want to tell you

In case you don't know:

That you make a big difference

In the lives that you touch,

By taking so little

And giving so much!”

Accept and acknowledge and witness and see yourself.

Instead of trying to carve out a ‘perfect’ version of yourself in your brand, embody your higher version of yourself and know that the best part is that it’s who you are already.

This week, remember to:  

Find the blessings.

Count the blessings.

Give some blessings to others and to yourself.

Validate yourself.

Trust in your innate worth, in your enoughness, and in the enoughness of your work.

And be OPEN to receiving the blessings that are already existing or making its' way over to you in your energetic field of Life.

And stay open to the magical possibilities of even GREATER LOVE, JOY & ABUNDANCE!

What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. I see myself for all that I am, and I let this shine out into the world. What could being your true self and taking imperfect action inspire others to do/think/feel? If you let yourself be yourself, what’s the best that could happen?

It’s safe for you to be seen and to be visible. If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 

You have the power to create wealth and to generate change

You have the power to create wealth and to generate change

Dear Beautiful,⠀⠀

I pride myself in running a highly profitable, soul led business, building my wealth and legacy.

Building wealth is about far more than money. It’s about the powerful woman you must become in order to create, grow and sustain wealth. I assure you, it’s the process, not the money, that empowers.

Too many of us have been in a deep sleep regarding our true nature, how powerful we actually are, or how affluent we could be.

It’s time to wake up to the truth of who you are and the enormous power you have to create wealth and to generate change.

No more dimming yourself down to please others or refraining from rocking the boat so you don’t make waves. I want you to make waves. Big ones. I want to see a tsunami of awakened women shaking up the world, shining their light, and eradicating the darkness that’s so pervasive on this planet. I want you to have the resources to do what you’re here to do, wielding significant influence in areas you feel passionate about.

I truly believe when we understand how to align ourselves with who we truly are and our purpose, tap into the divine feminine energy and high frequency, claim our power, a global transformation will occur. This I believe is our legacy.

That’s why I am so committed ro share my gifts with the world by helping my soul sister clients not only create, but to live their brand with soulful femme alignment, shine bright as who they really are and create real impact, income and freedom! The world is a better place, because you are in it! ❤️ 

I believe in my purpose and my unique gifts. I believe I’m one of the best on the entire planet at what I do serving my people.

What small steps can you take to begin to align yourself, build your wealth and impact, and claim your power? 

Sometimes when we can see what we’re working towards, but we can’t see the details, or the exact timeline, we can feel anxious about it. Unsteady, ungrounded, misaligned. I feel you. I am on this journey with you. 

The key to bring back alignment is to tap into the emotions we want to feel when we are stepping into our next level; for the business and life we want to build, the joy and love we want to feel, and the high frequency energy we want to embody and beam back out into the world.

We might feel like we’re losing what we know, but we’re gaining an even more aligned, expansive version of it; the next level version that our future self is already so grateful for.

That’s why I always say building a soul-aligned femme brand requires inner work first.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

I have become fully capable of knowing exactly what I desire and how to tune into my inner guidance system to always know the aligned actions to take in order to create it.  And you can too if you keep digging inside yourself.

If you keep digging inside yourself, you’ll tap into the most abundant, expansive, aligned, next level version of yourself.

If you keep digging inside yourself, you’ll remember the ecstatic joy that connects you to what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.

If you keep digging inside yourself, you will get your inspiration to show up consistently and unapologetically as all of you.

If you keep digging inside yourself, you will trust yourself and will know your unique, aligned blueprint for success and you follow each step with ease as you receive it.

If you keep digging inside yourself, you will find freedom, abundance, living in alignment, and doing everything from soul alignment with what feels right for you.

And life is asking one thing of us - to claim our Highest Calling and embody our Highest Self.

I truly believe this is why we came here.

With a unique mission and purpose.

To fulfill.

And experience.

And share.

And love.

Before we return home.

If you feel confusion right, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a sign you’re on the path of discovering your aligned soul-led femme brand. 

When I’m working with my femme brand clients, I often say you can’t gain clarity without first going through confusion. We often push away uncertainty, feeling guilty for not knowing exactly what we are doing, when those are actually the most pivotal moments of our lives. Confusion is necessary before clarity because it’s in that process you find your truth.

Would you like to work with me 1:1 to find your alignment and build a soul-led profitable femme brand? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. Feeling stressed out and drained on the path to a deeply purposeful soul-aligned brand? No thanks. Let me support you to create your next level brand that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment. I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 


Taking On a New Identity...

Taking On a New Identity...

Dear Beautiful,⠀⠀⠀

You have probably already heard this, one of the strongest forces in the human psyche that could be life-transforming is one’s identity.

Last week I finished my current coaching container with my 7 figure business mentor. We did a powerful exercise and completed my identity shift during this container. My identity shifted from a “Maiden” to an “Empress”. We channeled my higher self and embodied the higher frequency from that space. I am consistently stepping into my new “next level” identity. Even it’s just a 3 month container, I can tell I am no longer the same person I was 3 months ago.

My new identity gives me clarity. Because now I create my vision and make every decision from this new identity. 

And this clarity creates confidence. When you’re clear on the exact steps to take in your business to get the results you desire, you feel more confident, it’s just automatic.

And confidence leads to certainty. Certainty in yourself, your work, your purpose and in knowing you deserve to be loved, abundant and free.

And guess what clients buy? Your certainty. Your energy attracts your soul sister clients. When you’re clear on your message, what you stand for and your big vision, you show up with purpose and power and that certainty and energy is your client magnet. 


I am creating a new level Femme Brand Experience for you and would love to hear your feedback in exchange for a few insights for your brand from my expertise. 

So how do you tap into this new level identity? Especially You know those times you feel so far away from how you want to feel, and from what you’re calling in?

This is when you need to become really aware of what story is holding you back, which fear is keeping you small, which negative thought or limiting belief is blocking your path.

In those times, to feel expansion, we must first let go of the belief that we are stuck, we must tap into the energy of what you’re opening to expand into and receive.

Remember the Course’s primary teaching: Our minds have two “thought systems” or two distinct voices—the voice of fear (Ego) and the voice of love (Soul). “There is no compromise between the two.”

If you listen to the Ego, “You’ll see yourself as tiny, vulnerable and afraid. You’ll experience depression, a sense of worthlessness and feelings of impermanence. You’ll believe yourself helpless and the world directs your destiny.” The key to tap into the expansion energy is by disciplining the mind to unplug from the Ego and tune into your Soul. “Your ability to redirect your thinking is the most powerful device that was ever given you for change.”

Sure, I still have my moments sometimes that I feel stuck and out of alignment. But it no longer gets to me…at least not for very long.. I know exactly how to embody my next level identity and come back to alignment. 

 What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


 P.S. If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 


Future Brand Clarity call

Will 2021 be the year everything changes for you?

Will 2021 be the year everything changes for you?

Hi Beautiful,⠀⠀

As I am sitting at my desk writing to you, I take a deep breath, surrender fully and say a prayer “Use me.”

My business is a spiritual practice. I surrender each morning to the divine and my emails, offers, everything I create, every breath I breath is my embodiment of this communion.

Every morning, I set my intention with the prayer “Universe, please use me and my gifts fully, please lead me, please show me the way. I ask for what I desire, with your divine guidance, so I may receive what I require. Bless this day with pure love & light, with pure source energy.” I bless myself and the ones I love. I meditate and visualise; I receive and journal; I dance and I channel my divine feminine. Only from that high frequency and alignment, I start to create. 

Surrendering into your true desires and offering them over is simply aligning your frequency to what you really want, becoming an energetic match for it for easy manifestation while also saying “this or something better, I am not attached and I know I am always abundantly provided for."

To create your life, your femme brand, your soul work, true abundance from this space. 

 I don’t just talk about it, I live it. 

This is how ease, flow and alignment reign in every area of my life.

This is how I run my business and how I help my clients create a soul-alignment brand.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Alignment is the secret that can reconnect you in an instant to your power and the entire field of quantum potential, to drop the struggle, remember who you really are, create your soul work, prosperity and impact in a way that inspires and serves you (and your incredible clients and community) and creates the experience of heaven on earth you’ve been dreaming of and so much more.

One of my gifts is being able to To see you for who you truly are and translate your soul essence onto the screen, into your brand, reflect that back to you so that you can step into your next level brand and create every vision you see inside of you and more -- and oh if you could see what I see when it comes to how exquisite and limitless you are. 

 That’s why I do this work and that’s why I created my holistic branding experience using my unique femmebrand approach -- a system to reveal and reflect your true self  back to you so that you fully see it, own it and release it into the world as well.

Let yourself be seen for who you truly are.

Unleash your greatness.

Stop being comfortable with “good enough” and rise to the success you were born for.

It is the only way you will ever experience the freedom, abundance and impact you were born for.

Choose the love of the work you know you’re meant to do.

Choose the love of the positive impact you know you’re meant to have.

Choose you.

Coming into union with your highest self is the true destination!

You no longer need to go at this on your own. I am on this journey with you.

If you know there’s a next level brand in you and that it should be easy, fun, really just an expression of you being you (and highly successful at that) and your current brand makes you feel stuck because you just know it doesn’t have to be that difficult and forced... I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are?

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me.