It’s Often Easier to Sell a $20K Offer Than a $2K One

It’s Often Easier to Sell a $20K Offer Than a $2K One

Dear Beautiful,

It’s often easier to sell a $20K offer than a $2K one.

If you're a female coach, founder, an expert in your field and you want to grow a truly impactful business that’s going to transform lives, rather than just make you a living…

Then a high-end brand can be a game-changer for you.

Right now, you are competing with hundreds and even thousands of people offering similar offers at similar prices.

But when you raise yourself to a premium brand and your price, you are putting yourself in a league of your own and the competition becomes irrelevant. And, you’ll go after a different and better type of clients.

Knowing that just a limited number of sales covers all your expenses for an entire year will give you such peace of mind. So instead of spending all this time figuring out where the next paycheck will come from, you’ll be able to focus on creating immense value for your clients, and start leveraging that income to build your dream team.

And your luxury clients are easier to work with than your $2K clients.  No more discount-seekers. High-end clients tend to be amazing, cooperative individuals. They will appreciate every second of your time and you’ll have no issues getting them amazing results.

And working with only a handful of amazing people allows you to take your time and create something extraordinary.

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Ready to uplevel to a high-end brand and elegantly sell with a luxury marketing strategy?

The question is, will you unapologetically claim it?

Are you brave enough to give yourself permission to have it all and completely on your terms?

If you want your life to change then you need to change first. Not your business, not your marketing, not your launch formula, you. 

You need to start embodying your next level now and take action knowing you will succeed.

And get ready for miracles now.

This or something better. 

Want to create a high-end brand that truly aligns with who you are? I invite you to talk to me in your High-End Brand Clarity Call.

The High-End Brand Clarity Call is for you if:

You're a Goddess Queen who is …

  • Ready to be iconic

  • Isn’t afraid to take action

  • Believes that a High-end brand and Premium Offers will transform your business

And you want to …

  • Stop charging $2K for your brilliance

  • Get more visible in a bigger way

  • Serve your clients more deeply

  • Grow your business in a highly profitable way

To your high-end brand,


P.S.  Are you the goddess who breathe magic, know how powerful we are and live the life of our own making, the one that’s beyond our dreams, every day? 

It’s just who we are and anything else would be fighting the truth of our soul. 

But as long as you're listening to your truth, you're always on the right path.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

You deserve to earn more for no other reason than you’re worth it

You deserve to earn more for no other reason than you’re worth it

Dear Beautiful,

Virtually every of my 7 figure female entrepreneur mentors swore money was not her primary motivation. But at the same time, she fully expected to be highly compensated because she knew she was worth it.

It’s that ‘aha’ moment when you recognize, with every fiber of your being, that you deserve to earn more for no other reason than you’re worth it.

Once you realize how capable you are, how much value you offer, barriers that once felt insurmountable will begin to disappear.

There is a direct correlation between your level of self-esteem and the amount that you earn.

If you want to step into your next level, create a high-end brand and sell your premium luxury offer, you will need to build that kind of confidence and self-esteem. 

How do you build that kind of confidence? When I work with my clients to help them step into their next level brand, we work on three pillars - clarity, confidence and embodiment. Trust me, there’s no better way to boost your confidence than by doing what you are scared to do or don’t believe you can do. 

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Do what you fear and here’s what you’ll discover. Your confidence won’t come from the amount of money you make, but the degree to which your life is no longer run by fear. 

Because you are worthy.  

Reconnect to that limitless certainty and knowing within yourself you can live out your wildest dreams.

I invite you to tune in on the next level your soul is inviting you to step into.

To decide to have and experience it.

To embody it now, feel it as done now, visualize and pour love into its completion every day.

And to take inspired actions in spite of fear. Get out of your comfort zone. Speak up and ask for what you want. Let go of what’s holding you back.

This is the real work.

I am on this journey with you and practice it every day with you. 

And it’s led to consistent experiences of peace, connection, presence and graceful abundance.

In the past my decisions were made more from business strategy.

Now every decision in my brand is made from soul and love.

And I know you’re craving this too. It’s time.

Want to create a high-end brand that truly aligns with who you are? I invite you to talk to me in your High-End Brand Clarity Call.

The High-End Brand Clarity Call is for you if:

You're a Goddess Queen who is …

Ready to operate boldly

Isn’t afraid to take action

Believes that a High-end brand and Premium Offers will transform your business

And you want to …

Stop charging $2K for your brilliance

Get more visible in a bigger way

Serve your clients more deeply

Grow your business in a highly profitable way

To your high end brand,



What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment.

Confidence.  Capability.  Credibility.

Confidence. Capability. Credibility.

Dear Beautiful,

Repeat after me - "I am the best in the world at _______ (fill in your niche) and I am willing to declare it publicly and tell people about my high-end offer!"

How do you feel? 

Are you feeling inspired about offering your high-end service that really excites you and lights you up?

Or are you feeling out of alignment with your brand, offer and pricing?

To create a soul-aligned femme brand and premium offer, you need to shift from doubt and confusion into a space of clarity and confidence fast.

Here are some journal prompts I personally use and help my clients to return to the alignment of their femme brand and stay in a abundant luxury mind with ease and flow:

  • What is actually my true heart desire right now?

  • If money is not an issue, what would I be most excited to create/offer/sell for my premium offer?

  • If I knew my dreams clients love my premium offer and cannot wait to work with me, what would it look like to sell my offer right now with elegance and grace?

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Want to create a high-end brand that truly aligns with who you are? I invite you to talk to me in your High-End Brand Clarity Call.

The High-End Brand Clarity Call is for you if:

You're a Goddess Queen who is …

Ready to operate boldly

Isn’t afraid to take action

Believes that a High-end brand and Premium Offers will transform your business

And you want to …

Stop charging $2K for your brilliance

Get more visible in a bigger way

Serve your clients more deeply

Grow your business in a highly profitable way

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

To your high end brand,



You can reach out to the stars.

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a High-End Brand Clarity call with me. 

Have you played it safe and small? Time to be the ICON

Have you played it safe and small? Time to be the ICON

Hi beautiful,

What if you just stopped trying to figure it out…

Stopped second guessing...

Stopped wondering if you have what it takes, if you’re really worthy, or whatever fear based thing you've given your power away to today and instead just decided right here, right now to BE THE NEXT LEVEL?!

You're an infinite being who's just forgotten who she is for a moment. But that's ok, you're reading this, which means you're ready to remember. 

Did you learn to hear your soul, honor it, and say yes to it over and over?

Have you given yourself permission to be/have/do EVERYTHING you know is meant for you?

Or have you played it safe?

There is only now.

Now now now. 

Nothing else is ever promised, but right now is more than enough, when you just remember who you are and set yourself free.

Building a high-end brand is about leading.  Trendsetting.  Pioneering.

It takes courage. 

And a huge amount of courage.

Why courage?

Personal brands come from who you really are.

So when you build your brand, it means more to you than anything else.

This is the main reason why most people resist doing so.


I have made a video for you “3 Things Stopping You From Becoming a High-end Brand”.

So here’s how you can take action right now. Like, as you’re reading this email.

First, imagine what a high-end brand would look like for your business. Then resolve to tell at least 1 perfect-fit client about it.

Because your success starts with visualizing and establishing that you’re a business that sells high-end offers.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

To your high end brand,


Are you trying to position yourself as a premium or luxury brand?

Are you trying to position yourself as a premium or luxury brand?

Hi beautiful,

Are you trying to position yourself as a premium or luxury brand?

That’s wonderful!

But before you proceed, you need to get one thing clear...

Who do you want to attract?

The beauty of being the owner of a premium or luxury brand is you get to choose who you work with.  Completely unlike 90% of the market that sits in mainstream.

So you can spend all your time around people who excite you and inspire you.

And if you know what these people look like…

You can position your offer to appeal to them.

That’s how you create an amazing offer that people would pay for no matter how much it costs.

Think bigger about who you would work with.

Think bigger about what you really would offer them.

Think bigger about what serving them would look like.

Think bigger about what it means to be an ICON.

When you’re charging a premium rate, what does getting visible to your audience look like for you? Who are you working with? What are you offering them and what would serving them on a deeply transformative level look like?

I have made a video for you “Pricing is an art and how you can position as a high-end brand”. 

If you are still thinking how to selling $2k or $5k packages to get where you want to be. You’'ve probably invested in lots of programs, coaching, mentoring, masterminds.  And you’ve probably heavily invested in social media, Facebook ads, webinars and other tactics. And you are still not where you want to be...

The answer is simply because that's NOT the way to do it - for you.

What do you look like operating at a higher level?

It's your time to play BIGGER and BRIGHTER than ever before

And, if any of this resonates with you - and you have that niggle in your belly that you're meant for more - then I would love to invite you to hop on a call with me to brainstorm your own high-end brand and offer.

On the call, you'll talk about:

-Your high-end brand, offer, and value

-Your ideal client and their deepest desires

-How to position this to sell at a high-end level

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are and step into your next level? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence, and alignment

To your high-end brand,


Is your current branding reflect the women you want to be?

Is your current branding reflect the women you want to be?

Hi beautiful

You don’t have to do everything perfectly as you build your high-end brand.

In fact, luxury isn't about perfection.

It's about Creativity. Authenticity. Experience.

As a luxury brand, Your audience wants you to be you.  Extremely, beautifully you. They're paying you to lead and inspire. 

They expect you to be you!  The icon.  The leader.  

So, be bold…

Be brave…

Be brilliant…

I have made a video for you “How to elevate your business and attract high-end clients”. 

You are about to have a massive up level of joy, results, and income in your business because you are no longer trying to run your biz like everyone else.

Your high-end clients will be magnetized to you from around the world because you are tapped into alignment and being your most authentic self.

It’s all about being in alignment and showing up as the icon and high-end brand you truly are!

This is what I stand for.

This is all I’m available for.

And from here…

The easier it gets, the easier it gets.

And the better it gets, the better it gets.

What does your high-end brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

To your high-end brand,


Start charging what you’re really worth

Start charging what you’re really worth

Dear Beautiful,

I hope you’ve had a beautiful first month of 2021. 

If you look back over this last month, what’s the dominant energy you’ve been radiating out into the world? Was it certainty, freedom, confidence and prosperity? Or fear, doubt and scarcity?

Your frequencies then lead to the actions you take and the physical reality you create and live in.  

If you want to experience a different reality, you have to radiate different frequencies. Radiate what you want to attract more of.

If you want to uplevel your brand and charge a premium amount, what you need to do is step out of your comfort zone.

Make the decision to start moving your business in the direction that’ll allow you to charge that amount.

Take that first step. Instead of letting the fear paralyze you… Get ready to embrace it.

Recognize that the fear only exists because you’re trying to do what the majority of people will never do.

If you’ve never invested in an offer like that yourself, you may be thinking that it’s an exorbitant price.

That’s when you are inside your own wallet. You’re seeing what you charge through your own concept of the dollar amount. But, that’s not the same concept of money that your ideal client has.

So get out of your mind and get into theirs. Start charging what you’re really worth.

What seems expensive to you may seem like a bargain to them. And as a high-end brand, with the right positioning and offer, they will be a big yes.

I have made a video for you “What makes a high-end brand and how you can become one”. 

What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are and charge what you worth? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. It’s the second month of 2021 already. Here’s what I’m asking myself at every juncture, to ensure I keep moving forward:

“How else can I see this?”

“What’s now possible?”

“Who else can I help?”

I have made a video for you “What makes a high-end brand and how you can become one” to help your uplevel your brand. You can watch it here

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me. 

Become an Energetic Match for the Money You Desire

Become an Energetic Match for the Money You Desire

Dear Beautiful,

This week I would like to share with you some of my favorite journal prompts that help me and my client constantly step into their next level brand and income.

Elva Li Femmebrand

What are the emotions, feelings, and energies I would be experiencing right now if I had already received this money?

What if the amount of money I desire to receive was just normal? What if it had been coming in for ages, is just of course and that’s how it is? If that were the case what would I now feel and what emotions and energies would I now be experiencing?

What would be true for me right now if this amount of money that I desire were just normal for me? What actions would I be taking daily? What systems would be set up in my business? What would I now be selling? Etc.

What does my higher self want me to know about money?

When it comes to money, business and doing my soul work have I been making decisions from my persona or as divine?

If I chose to now lead from my divine state instead of my persona, what’s the next step I now know it’s time to take?

What do I really truly desire when it comes to money?

If I were being totally raw, real with myself and unapologetic, what would I actually be asking for right now?

Everything is always working out for me, so where is life trying to pour abundance into my life but I’m blocking it by being too caught up in my self perceived problem?

What are all the ways I desire to be working and creating in my business right now that I’m afraid people won’t like or approve of?

And what would I now choose to do if I believed that my soulmate people actually LOVE it when I work in the way that feels best for me?

Enjoy your journaling and embodying your next level.

What is your future brand look like if you feel totally aligned with who you are? I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your future brand from clarity, confidence and alignment

From my heart to yours,


P.S. Some more journal prompts in case you just skip to the bottom:

Where have you made rules that you're not allowed to be successful or rich until you've achieved something else? For instance, you're not allowed to be rich until you have a bigger list, more experience, look a certain way or are more extroverted?

Is it ultimately true that you must have these other things first before you can be successful or rich? What could be more true instead?

Since you no longer need to try to get rid of doubts or fear to manifest, how can you immerse yourself in more belief, knowing and faith instead?

If you need support to create your next level that gives you clarity, confidence and alignment, I am inviting you to book a Future Brand Clarity call with me.