Next level of luxury

Next level of luxury

Dear Beautiful,

For years I judged “beauty and luxury” as material and shallow, not spiritual. I would deny my desires for beauty and luxury and my joy in creating beautiful luxury brand visuals and identities.

It is the moment I stopped denying my desires and joy, I started to attract my ideal clients and create massive shifts in my business.

Making this leap supports me in manifesting all that I desire.

The things that light you up are meant for you.

The things that ignite your desires are your GPS guides to your next level.

The universe wants to take care of you.

It wants to spoil you. Adore you.

And it wants you to desire it in return.

To bask in its pleasures. And it’s joy.

The universe wants to love you.

And to co-create with you.

I am inviting you to listen to your soul’s desires.

Be clear and aligned on what it is that truly lights you up.

And then prioritize that in your life and embody the energy of your desires. 

Because you desire it, you are energetically matched to it.

You are worthy of all your desires.

It still feels scary sometimes.

I will worry about what will people think of me? Does that make me greedy, selfish, materialistic? 

It was a huge trust walk to allow myself to honor my desires that represented my new identity.

I embodied my vision and I allowed the fear to move through me.

I step into my identity of the Queen of Luxury Branding,  an identity that felt true and aligned. And I make investments that are aligned with my new identity and desires.

I invested 5 figures in quantum healing, chakra balancing, business coaching sessions, speaking coaching sessions, Fengshui consultation, personal styling etc last month. 

I needed to learn to trust myself with this next level of luxury, with this next level of desire.

Here are some journal prompts for you this week to elevate your energy and bring you into the vibrational state of receiving your desires, more easily.

  • What if I  have total faith that it gets to work, because I desire it?

  • How can I stay in the energy of my future the entire day today?

  • How can I remain a conscious creator tomorrow?

  • What would I do if I back myself the way I back my loved ones?

  • What would I do if I embody my future self in this moment and take action from this space?

Elva Li FemmeBrand

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. You can trust yourself around what feels right and aligned for you. Repeat with me “I have the confidence to intuitively know what is for my highest good” and “I feel safe enough to be me.”

If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Does your branding reflect who you want to become?

Does your branding reflect who you want to become?

Dear Beautiful,

What comes up for you when I say the word "branding"?

Think about the brand you love. What's their vibe? What makes you want to follow them?

Branding, like anything, is all about energy.

The statistics shows that “only 11% of coaches hit 6 figures in their career.  Only 1% of coaches hit 7 figures.  Only 0.0001% of coaches hit 8 figures.”

What makes the difference? 

It’s not about ambition, knowledge or creativity. 

It’s the energy they show up in.

How do you know if your energy is aligned with creating the results you desire? By embodying the version of you who's already achieved the results.

If you're showing up as the truest expression of who you are, if you're embracing your gifts and talents, and if you're truly excited to share ... that's the energy that comes through.

The branding has to come from a state of embodying who you want to become, not who you are now. 

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Embodiment is the energetic alchemy of the physical and of the quantum field, the balance of the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. 

How to step into that state of embodiment?

By honour your soul’s calling inside.

Whatever your soul is calling you towards has meaning, has value, and is important.

When you embody your soul-led desires and allow her to lead, you are living in alignment with your soul.

You’re embodied. 

You trust. 

You see your vision. 

Once you see the vision, you can’t unsee it.

You understand that you were made to receive. 

If you've gone through so many online programs and still aren’t seeing the results… 

Then it means you're missing a vitally important piece, the embodiment piece.

Doing the inner and higher work will lead you to the shift.


All of a sudden, you’ll be able to charge $10K, $25K, or even $100K for your offers.

You’ll be working exclusively with high-quality clients who are actually eager to work with you and will appreciate everything you do for them.

You’ll produce your best work and create a massive, lasting impact in the lives of your clients.

What would it take to embody your future self in this moment and take action from that space? 

And then do that. 

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Have you entered our competition? One lucky winner will win my Luxury Branding VIP Intensive as a gift for you! (Valued at $1,997.)

Elva Li FemmeBrand


>> Clarity of where your brand is at and what’s currently not working for you and your brand

>> Strategies for a high-end brand and brand your way to high-paying clients

>> An action plan to uplevel your brand to get you booked with your high-end paying clients

Enter the competition here if you’re ready and excited for your soul luxury brand!

One lucky winner for Luxury Branding VIP Intensive

One lucky winner for Luxury Branding VIP Intensive

Dear Beautiful,

Are any of these things true for you?.....

  •  You feel your current branding doesn't feel like you or reflect what you really and you know deep down that your brand could be much better…

  • Your website's not doing much for your business and you sometimes feel embarrassed sending people to your website

  • You'd love to work with high-paying clients and uplevel your business to 6 figure and beyond…... but you don't have the confidence in your current branding and online presence to ask for a higher price and don’t know the right steps to take to make yourself a premium brand

  • You’d like to get your message out there in a bigger way, uplevel your business, and make a bigger impact in 2021

If you resonate with any of this, then you're going to LOVE what I have for you today! I see so many beautiful people like you invest precious time, money, and energy, and you've worked so hard in your business, yet things aren’t happening as fast as you want. It breaks my heart, because I know it doesn’t have to be that way, for you.

If you're planning something big for this year, you'll know that getting your branding and online presence right is going to have a huge impact on your business. Up-levelling your brand and becoming the “Dior” or “Coco Chanel” in your field is the fastest way to get your message out there and get known, increase your profits, and be the undisputed leader in your industry!

A premium brand identity and online presence will attract, engage and compel your ideal high-end clients to do business with you. It'll help you communicate your message, put your business in the category of one, and enable you to get to where you want to be, faster. Not to mention the intangible effect that the boost to your confidence and clarity will do for your business.


  • You actually feel proud showing off your website to your clients and peers instead of cringing every time someone asks for your website details #nomorebrandshame

  • You see your essence come alive not only in all your brand elements but also in the way you show up in the world aka your personal signature style

  • Your clients no longer compare you to your competition because you've claimed your place in the industry as an haute couture brand

  • You're so proud of your visual elements and your personal style that you wanna wake up and be visible EVERYWHERE

  • You finally feel confident to charge what you’ve truly been worth, all along and work with high-paying clients who sing your praises & get kickass results

Elva Li FemmeBrand

That’s why I am really excited to offer my Luxury Branding VIP Intensive as a gift for you! (Valued at $1,997.)


>> Clarity of where your brand is at and what’s currently not working for you and your brand

>> Strategies for a high-end brand and brand your way to high-paying clients

>> An action plan to uplevel your brand to get you booked with your high-end paying clients

Enter the competition if you’re ready and excited for your soul luxury brand!

To your high-end brand,


P.S. One lucky winner will win my Luxury Branding VIP Intensive as a gift for you! (Valued at $1,997.)


>> Clarity of where your brand is at and what’s currently not working for you and your brand

>> Strategies for a high-end brand and brand your way to high-paying clients

>> An action plan to uplevel your brand to get you booked with your high-end paying clients

Enter the competition if you’re ready and excited for your soul luxury brand!

Do you believe in magic?

Do you believe in magic?

Dear Beautiful,

There comes a point where it just happens without you seemingly doing very much or even noticing.

Do you believe in magic? 

I love the definition of “Magic” by one of my mentors Tara Marino: 

“It is divine, miraculous, unexplainable and supported by the highest good. It is the feeling of knowing, wisdom, trust and SURRENDER. It is allowing a quantum leap into your next level because you let go of feeling like you have to make it happen.”

Your magic and shifting moments happen when you are aligned with your truth, your desires.

One of the blocks or fears that stopping you from those magic is that you shy away from your truth and desires because you are afraid of being judged.

Truthfully the more you embody your truth and desires, the more you might be judged yes. BUT, those who judge you, & those who move away from you, were never meant to be your people anyway. 

Sometimes we lose people, or things, so greater more aligned people and things can take up that energetic space in your life, to support you in ways others couldn’t.

“We all have a role to play, but only we know what our role is. Paths unfold only when we walk them. Don’t let someone who is not you tell you what you should do. They’re not you and you’re not them. They don’t know and will never know what’s for you, just as you don’t know and will never know what’s for them. If they’re spending their precious moments on Earth worrying about what you should be doing with yours, they’re wasting theirs. Don’t let them waste yours.” - Rebeca Campbell

When you step in your truth and desires, magic happens. 

This is what I did every time I uplevel and experience magic in my business and life: I follow my unique Femme Brand system - Inner Work, Outer Work and Higher Work.

The Inner Work: 

I align myself with my dreams and vision and embody the women who have already have it.  I believe that if something is calling me, it is the Universe wanting to express through me in that way. Taking any action as someone at your next level helps to step into that level. You begin to embody the future version of yourself and move into your next phases more quickly.

Ther Outer Work:

And when it comes to the Outer Work to create my content and branding, I immerse myself in the energy of love and step into my power and authority in what I do. I am the Queen of Luxury Branding. It's my art and I love to create, share, and help others create their luxury soul brand.

The Higher Work:

I trust my intuition and follow my joy. I have learned that my intuition and my joy lead me to the most aligned business decisions. I co-create with the Universe and tap into my feminine energy of creation.

Here are some journal prompts for you this week… 

  • What is it you want in your life next?

  • What is it that is calling you forward?

  • What does your Soul desire to experience?

  • What’s one thing I’d like to let go of as I prepare to embody my next level? 

  • What will this free me up to do/be/have?

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Your job, as always, is this: Follow your heart. Trust yourself. Choose what you get to have and where you are meant to go.

Know that you are enough. ⁠⁠You're doing your absolute best, and that is brilliant.⁠

You know exactly what you need to know, to be where you are right now.⁠

You're allowed to be successful (and be seen to be successful), and in fact, when you claim that space, you show others what's possible.⁠⁠

You don't have to follow a linear path of success to take up the space you're worthy of holding. ⁠⁠

This can be a new moment for you.

Miracles happen. Money comes. Things change.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. You can trust yourself around what feels right and aligned for you.

I’m here to help you brand, package, publicise and profit from your soul essence.

If you are ready to take the next step, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

What would you do for love?

What would you do for love?

Dear Beautiful,

I just watched the new Miss Dior The New Fragrance commercial, in which Natalie Portman calls out to wake up to the beauty of the world and always... To love. 

What would you do for love?

Your luxury soul branding is not what you do for money, it’s about what you do for love.

It’s one thing to have a luxury logo and website, it’s another to have a soul-aligned luxury brand - the one that reflects your soul essence, love and passion, brings you the confidence, impact, influence, and draws the right soul sister clients into your business. 

Where do you know you’re being invited forward and to do for love?

In my experience of expanding to my next level… every time it requires less effort because I follow my joy and do for love. 

Have a think about your own up-levels and expansions… I bet you’ll realise the thing that made the difference was actually the thing that required less of your hustling, and more of you fully being yourself, owning your desires, and being led by what lights you up and by love. 

Here’s something radical about your dreams and deepest desires…

You can’t dream something up unless it’s actually possible for you.

Think about your dream to have your soul-led luxury business that helps others while creating abundance and freedom for you and those you love.

Your dream is a preview of what’s possible for you, what you’re capable of creating...

I invite to close your eyes, place your hands on your heart, and tap into your soul desires and dream with me for just a minute:

  • Imagine owning your luxury brand reflects who you truly are, makes you feel confident online, establishes you as the expert in your field, increases your influence, income, and impact…

  • Imagine how good it would feel to have soul-sister clients coming in every month in your own soulful business and pay you $10K, $20K… to work with you….and the transformation you help them to create... 

  • Imagine living your brand with total soul-alignment, owning your light and power to lead and inspire, and help others to be able to say ‘Yes’ to their light too...

Elva Li FemmeBrand

You have the power to make it a reality, because if you didn't have the power then you wouldn't have this calling in your life.

Are you ready to do some work together to bring your vision into reality? 

The process I work with my luxury brand coaching clients involves three prongs:

1) The Outer Work—learn the strategies to position yourself as a luxury brand and create a luxe online presence and brand image

2)The Inner Work—embody the luxury brand and the Queen you are and claiming your power

3)The Higher Work—c0-create with the Universe so you can manifest your destiny and make a difference in the world.

The Outer Work is the easy part. Far more difficult is the Inner and Higher Work.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. You are not what you do for money, you are what you do for love.

Where do you know you’re being invited forward and to do for love?

If you are ready to take the next step, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Your luxury soul brand is not for everyone

Your luxury soul brand is not for everyone

Dear Beautiful,

By nature, we women tend to be pleasers. We want everyone to like us.

Almost every high-end client I worked with confessed to a “little girl inside me who wants to be liked.”

However, your luxury soul brand is not for everyone. You are an icon.  You become a stand for those who are willing and ready to accept the call to adventure that only you offer. 

Paradoxically, being an iconic luxury brand isn’t really about you. Instead, it’s about what you represent. It’s about standing for something. When you dare to do that, you allow people to make a clear choice -- whether that’s a yes or a no. You allow them to see a new possibility for themselves. 

Branding and marketing for your high-end brands are different from mass brands because your value proposition is not targeted to the masses.  

The goal of luxury brand marketing is not to generate mass appeal and convert everyday people into paying customers.  

Rather, the aim of luxury branding and marketing is to convince a comparably small target group of prospective customers to recognize the value offering, become paying customers and prove loyal across the long haul.  

This is the key to generate brand recognition and allegiance that stands the test of time. 

Narrowing the online audience through luxury branding and marketing might seem counterintuitive.  However, if you were to democratize your offering, it would no longer be high-end.  

As a luxury brand, you need the self-awareness to recognize your target audience is somewhat limited.  And you need to be comfortable with not being liked by everyone. 

Admittedly, emotionally it can be tough when you are not “liked”. 

I know how it feels. As when I stand for my luxury soul branding message, not everyone likes it.  But I learn to be comfortable with it. And I lean on my ‘Love Nest’ - my family, my partner Ryan, and soul friends. They provide me with a safe place where I can be a scared little girl who wants to be liked, and they’ll listen empathetically, encourage you wholeheartedly, and accept you unconditionally.

I highly recommend you find yours. Try this. List the names of people in your life who you can be totally yourself with. When you’re feeling vulnerable, scared, insecure, contact someone on this list to tell you how terrific you are.

And then stand firm in your luxury soul brand message, keep shining. When you step forward as the face and voice of your brand, when you model your work, and when you shine your light brightly in the world, you inspire other people to do the same.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

You don't have a mediocre message!

You have a massive message that the world NEEDS to hear! You have a purpose, calling, and you're here to build a legacy.

You know that with all that you know about building your iconic brand and with your calling that you should be way further than you are right now.

It’s not only about the money you make - it’s also about it means you are making THE impact you know you were born to make.

You KNOW you have the power and the capability to create the business that you want to create,  the impact that you see in your mind.

Choosing to believe that what you feel inside of you is real and showing up for it fully starting now is the difference between those who live their desires and those who just dream about them.

If you dream it, believe it, and move toward it while having no resistance or doubts around it... it will often show up in your life in one form or another.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Soul Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. The universe pays you for being you. You are not for everyone. 

If you are ready to take the next step, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

 J'adore My Brand Interview Series - Liz Green

J'adore My Brand Interview Series - Liz Green

I believe your manifestations are a collective effort - they're your responsibility, but they're not all on you. 

I believe the power of surrounding yourself with high vibe female entrepreneurs to uplift your higher and inspire you along the way.

I believe nothing speeds up success like having a team around you. A team who can hold you through the emotional rollercoaster, help you figure out the best route to take practically and strategically and share the wisdom of their own experience with you. 

And I am so grateful that I have met lots of amazing female coaches, founders and bloggers. Their brand stories inspire me and I would like to share my interview with them and I hope you will gain insights and inspirations from them too. 


Brand Stories of inspiring femme brands

Liz Green


Liz Green

Please tell us about you, what you do, and about your business.

I offer copywriting services for purpose-driven business owners ready to grow their reach and revenue online with website copy and email sequences.I started my copywriting business in 2017 and have been writing professional and ethically persuasive copy ever since. I live in Perth, WA but my clients live around the country and the globe.

What's your own background? How did you start your brand?

I always loved to write but didn’t realise it was a viable career option until later in life. I mostly worked in administration across a range of industries such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Local Govt and construction. Somehow writing and editing always made it to my inbox.

At 44, I headed to Perth’s Curtin University to study Professional Writing and Publishing. When I graduated with distinction in 2016, I wasn’t 100% sure what to do next.

I discovered copywriting through another love of mine – podcasts. It sounded like an interesting career that aligned with my skill set, so I did a little more study and launched my copywriting business.

What are your 3 biggest goals when it comes to building your business and brand?

- Goal 1 is always to help my clients grow their reach and revenue with copywriting that connects with and converts their ideal clients.

- Goal 2 is to expand my services to include email marketing – especially for my website copy clients – so many brands build their website, create and share an opt-in but don’t welcome or nurture their audience

- Goal 3 is to offer website and email strategy as well as copywriting

What’s important to you about reaching these goals? What is your "why" building your brand?

When I start working with a new client, I become part of their team. I’m committed to their success. 

The services I offer help businesses show up online as the best version of themselves, so they can connect with their audience and solve a problem. That has the potential to be lifechanging – on a small scale or a large one. Either way, I love playing a part in achieving that outcome.

My why is to be better and do better – for myself and of course, for my clients.

Who are your inspirations?

Usually other copywriters! 

Where do you hang out most online? What Facebook groups are you in? 

Although I don’t love Facebook – I’m in a lot of FB communities for copywriting, branding, business building and personal development.

I also belong to a few Slack communities – more people are moving away from FB and I love that as there are no other distractions on Slack.

Which are some resources, books, articles or podcasts that have been useful to you, and would like to share with the readers?

I love listening to podcasts on a wide range of topics from true crime to copywriting, marketing and business. I’ve been a guest on Business Chat with Lisa Evans and The Impact Business Show. 

 My favourite books this year has been: 

- The Source by Dr Tara Swart – it helped me understand more about neuroplasticity – the ability for us to re-wire our brains.

- The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse by Charlie Makesy – it’s a beautiful book that’s meant for children but there is so much inside for adults too

- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks – it opened up my mind to the idea limiting beliefs and of how to overcome them and embrace your zone of genius

 I couldn’t live without Otter (for transcribing interviews), Zoom for client meetings and Canva for my social media posts.

If you can go back to 5 years ago, what advice would you give to yourself? 

Watch out for shiny new things that you don’t really need. Trust yourself to work things out (you can do it). You are where your attention is – so focus on your achievements and goals not the bumps in the road that we all have occasionally.

Liz Green


5 Simple Steps to Upgrade your Website Copy Without Writing a Word:


Gift for you: a Luxury Branding Coaching Session with Me

Gift for you: a Luxury Branding Coaching Session with Me

Dear Beautiful,

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for being my reason to continue to show up every day in my business, to write and share with you every week, to step into my next level, and make a big impact … 

If there is one lesson I have learned to date that has made all the difference, it is this- find a person or group of people that you genuinely want to serve and show up for, then keep doing it not for you, but for them.

I am so grateful. And I truly would like to hear from you and what I can better help you with.  If you would like to fill in this 5-minute survey below, I would love to gift you a 20-minute Luxury Branding Coaching session with me to have my eye on your brand. 

Thank you. I appreciate you.

Elva Li FemmeBrand

Being a femme entrepreneur building a soul-led brand is a beautiful journey. 

If I could speak to my past self right now I would tell her that her vision is right and she is the Queen of Luxury Branding.

I would tell her that she can trust herself, she can trust what she’s feeling inside and that she never has to follow any coaching programs she bought if it doesn’t feel aligned because her answers aren’t in there.

I would show her the steps that can actually get the clarity of her brand message, create a high-end brand and make the influence, income, and impact. 

And I would support her in being really honest with herself about what she actually desires and show her how to honour her desire, take the aligned action to manifest her desires.

It's not possible to share all of this with my past self. But, it would be a joy to share what I’ve learned and the wisdom I’ve gained with you.

I can see your next level…

If you want to step into your next-level luxury brand, you need to expand radiating, magnetizing energy, dreams, and intentions too first. 

You are energy that is conscious of itself. 

That’s who you truly are - a limitless Goddess of your Universe who demands miracles, because she can. Because it gives her pure joy to birth new ideas and bring them to the world. 

Because she loves to experience herself more and more and more. 

Because she is at one with life, and that is what life wants of her.

Allow yourself to expand into the next level.

Even before you might think you’re ready.

Even if the outcome isn’t what you hoped for.

Even if it hasn’t even happened yet!

See where you flow.

See how you grow.

I invite you to work with me to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

I want to hear from you and your vision for your brand, and how I can help you. Fill out this 5 minute survey below and you will get the gift of a 20-minute Luxury Branding Coaching session with me to have my eye on your brand.

To your high-end brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Coach | Speaker

P.S. I am gifting you a 20-minute Luxury Branding Coaching session with me to have my eye on your brand once you complete this 5-minute survey. I would love to hear from you so that I can better serve you. I appreciate you.