What makes a luxury brand

What makes a luxury brand

Have you ever wondered why is Louis Vuitton not perceived as just an overpriced vinyl handbag? What makes a Birkin bag so desirable?  What is the psychology behind luxury brands? Why are people willing to pay a higher price for these products or experiences compared to similar products in the same category? 

Lots of coaches can get caught up on price. But let me ask you this, how often are YOU just shopping for price? Think about where would you go if you’re shopping by price only? If you’re shopping for price and a little style? If you’re shopping for medium price, style, quality, and service? And if you’re shopping for style, quality, service and prestige?

Do you see the different layers and desires here? I see lots of female coaches try to market to the masses. I want you to find your luxury brand. Desires can actually increase the more prices increase for luxury brands. You can make your own coaching services become more desirable at higher prices. Good branding sets you apart and above your competitors, but you have to crown yourself!

I am hosting Elva Li Luxury Branding Studio's last VIP event of the year - Luxury Branding VIP Soiree, to create space for you to delve into the power of your brand. In only one hour, we will create a beautiful, authentic, uncomplicated experience for you to discover the winning formula for a luxury brand.

Elva Li Luxury Branding

We will ensure this one hour is packed with value. Here is what you can expect:

  • Exclusive gift delivered to your inbox on arrival

  • Beautiful visual inspirations from the world's top luxury brands

  • Leading-edge insights about the art of creating luxury brands

  • Industry tips for creating a high-end brand including styling

  • Discovery of your FemmeBrand Archetype and the art of bespoke branding and website design

  • Soulful connection with other female entrepreneurs at the event

  • Complimentary personalized brand consultations after the event

  • Receive $1,000 voucher towards a branding package (on the attendance of full event)

  • And so much more...

This VIP event is online via Zoom and invitation-only for Luxury Icons. Being a luxury icon is not about Dior or Chanel. It's standing in high worth and owning your ability to lead and inspire.

Only 10 spots are available. If you are a Luxury Icon and would like to receive your invitation, please reply to this email with “I am a Luxury Icon”.

Your high-end brand awaits. 


P.S. Would you like to be invited to Elva Li Luxury Branding Studio's last VIP event of the year - Luxury Branding VIP Soiree? In only one hour, we will create a beautiful, authentic, uncomplicated experience for you to discover the winning formula for a luxury brand.

Reply “I am a Luxury Icon” if you are called to step into being the icon and create your luxury brand.

The process to embody your next level brand

The process to embody your next level brand

Dear Beautiful,

Last week we talked about getting really clear on what you actually want in your business, brand and life and saying yes to your soul’s desires.

I want to remind you that you have the power to change it in an instant the moment you stop being available for anything except being ALL of you - the higher version, the next level of you.

Here is a simple process I use for myself and teach my VIP Luxury Branding Coaching clients how to embody your next level:

Step one “Create”: create a manifesto that represents your next-level version of self, the future version of you that already exists in the quantum field. 

Step two “Visualise”: visualize yourself stepping into that version of you with clear intention and elevated emotion. Feeling is the key here. In these moments, you're giving your body a taste of the emotions of your future, and you’re branding it neurologically in your brain. You’re remembering your future. 

Step three “Give thanks”: put your hands on your heart, and fill yourself with gratitude. It is the fastest way to bring your desires into physical reality. 

Step four “Ask and listen”: ask yourself what can you invite into your business or life that will bring you more of this feeling? What can you let go of or release? Who do you need to BE in order to invite more of this feeling? What characteristics do you embody today? What is one action that you can take today that would invite this feeling in? Then listen.

Step five “Movement”: Listen to your intuitive nudges and take inspired action immediately. Fast action is the key here. The movement is the key to create magic, miracles and co-create with the Universe.

“Every time you make the decision to believe in your future with that level of energy, you’re sending out a big signal that creates big ripples in the quantum field. If you keep doing it enough times, you’re conditioning your body to a new mind. You’re combining a thought and a feeling, an image and an emotion, and a stimulus and a response. This is how you condition your brain and body into a new future.” -- Dr Joe Dizpensa

Elva Li Luxury Branding

This is one of the things I do with my clients in our sessions to help them step into their next level. 

Here is what one of my amazing clients emailed to me this week after we finished our VIP intensive:

“Let me say, WOW, I am beyond pleased and grateful for our work together! Clearly, it was divinely orchestrated and you gave me so much to think about and consider, you provided so much value and insight, I honestly can't begin to put into words how necessary and useful our session was and I had absolutely no idea I would get so much out of it. You have been a beautiful blessing to me, I appreciate you and hope that we can continue our working relationship in the near future!!” 

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next-level version of YOU.

If you are ready to step into your ICON status and create a luxury brand online presence, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. I want to remind you that you have the power to uplevel in an instant the moment you stop being available for anything except being ALL of you - the higher version, the next level of you.

If you are called to step into being the icon and create your luxury brand, I am here to guide you and make your vision into reality. 

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

How to create Femme Alignment in your brand

How to create Femme Alignment in your brand

Dear Beautiful,

I love helping my clients create alignment in their luxury soul brand. Because living in alignment with your soul purpose, desires, and what you value most, gives your business and life a sense of meaning, purpose, a sense of achievement.

What are your core values and needs? Are your core needs being met by your current brand and business? 

I would like you to close your eyes for a second and visualize your idea day 5 years from now…

How would you like to feel when you show up to work each day?

How would you like to feel as you move through your daily tasks?

How would you like to feel when you're working moving through your life?

I would like to you to identify the core feelings you want to experience in your brand, business and life. 

Because we do certain things because we want to feel certain ways. The feelings have the power to guide you, motivate your decisions and drive your actions. 

Then listen to your soul desires. Hearing the voice of your soul is not hard, but it needs to take the time, tune in and listen. Your soul is always calling, every moment of every day, the more time you spend with your soul, the clearer the calls become.

Then answer your soul’s calling. It’s never too late. And it’s never a one-time act. It’s through taking baby steps and taking inspired actions that we find ourselves living in alignment with who we are and our soul’s purpose.

Your soul already knows your path.

Elva Li Luxury Branding

Here are some journal prompts for you today to help you tap into your soul desires:

  • What do you deisre?

  • Why do you feel you desire it?

  • Who do you need to be in order to receive it?

  • What joy will come into your life if you allow yourself to receive what you desire?

Let me know what your wrote. I would love to hear. 

And next week, I will teach you how to embody it so that you can receive it now. 

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next-level version of YOU.

If you are ready to step into your ICON status and create a luxury brand online presence, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. It’s okay to be grateful for what you have and want more at the same time. Wanting more doesn’t mean you are ungrateful, greedy or selfish.

It means you are tapping into your truest desires. As you desire more, you create more, and impact more. 

What does your soul desire? 

If you are called to step into being the icon and create your luxury brand, I am here to guide you and make your vision into reality. 

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.If you are called to step into being the icon and create your luxury brand, I am here to guide you and make your vision into reality. 

Create a Luxe Mindset

Create a Luxe Mindset

Dear Beautiful,

Your luxury brand starts with having an abundance mindset towards money, wealth and luxury.

If you want to create a stylish and luxe outer world in your brand, you must begin to cultivate your inner world with abundance thoughts that are aligned with your brand. Every thought in your mind is a creation. Your beliefs shape your brand, your business and your life.

I desired beautiful luxury things but felt guilty for my desires. Embodying my desires has allowed me to step into being the Queen of my life. Where my entire world blossoms. Including my brand.

Your luxe mindset will help you unlock your abundance potential and help you create your luxury future. 

Stop denying yourself the beautiful striking brand reserved only for the super stars. 

Stop denying yourself the luxury you want to live reserved only for the wealthy ones. 

Stop denying yourself the business you’ve dreamed of reserved only for your vision board.

The truth is you need to be a well-resourced woman in order to live your destiny. I believe you have a big vision for how your life is meant to be …

You want to create a luxury brand and be your fullest expression and people love to pay you and be around your energy, wisdom, brilliance, guidance, and the incredible experiences you create both online and offline.

You are a wealthy woman. You love growing your wealth and being a truly rich woman.

And as a Goddess Queen, you love a beautiful space to live, travel, adorn herself in a way that expands and supports her.

And of course giving back to the ones you love, to the community, be a philanthropist… 


Money is a resource that can help you live your vision. Money creates freedom. Money creates options.

Good-hearted people do good things with money.

Money magnifies the person you already are. So are you a kind, loving and generous person? 

If so, money will magnify that. You’ll be able to be even more kind, generous and loving.

Fame is another word that has a negative connotation in spiritual circles.

My question for you is that does it feel aligned with you mission and calling to be an icon and shining online? 

When you desire to be well-known, from a loving and service-based place, you simply want to get your work in front of more people.

This isn't about fame for the sake of fame. Or money for the sake of money.

This is about purpose and impact.

You inspire. You empower. You serve. You share. You sell. You are well compensated.

You are good enough. All the branding strategies in the world won't work for your business if you feel unworthy of or don't believe you can have the things you want.

All the things you think are between you and what you want aren't usually the things actually stopping you. They are limiting stories you picked somewhere that have been replaying in your mind.

I want to remind you that You are worthy. You are capable. You are deserving.

It's time to show up with purpose and passion, be seen, known and paid... unapologetically.

Your high-end brand awaits. Your ideal audience awaits.

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next-level version of YOU.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • Implement High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Align with Your Femme Brand Archetype and Soul Essence

  • Unleash Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Launch Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Create Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. The thing that is mostly in your way is you and your belief. Beliefs that you don't have what it takes, aren't doing enough, and are messing it up.

Instead, let's come back home to the truth beyond all truth: You are good enough. You have what it takes. You can do this.

It is time to be the icon and create your luxury brand.

If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Celebrate your brilliance and let the world know about your gifts

Celebrate your brilliance and let the world know about your gifts

Dear Beautiful,

Dior released this ad as a “contemporary odyssey” for a concept video to their 2022 Cruise collection. It’s actually a call back to another Acropolis shoot the fashion house did 70 years prior. It’s pretty entrancing with an intense soundtrack. 

It reminds me that women since the beginning of the time are Goddesses in their essence. And I want to remind you, you are not just an amazing coach or entrepreneur. You are a fascinating, mesmerizing Goddess Queen. I want you to remember who you really are! How powerful amazing you truly are!

You have incredible talents in your field - but you have kept yourself playing small.

You could settle. But you are deeply unsettled.

There’s an inner knowing that you are destined for greatness and something much more.

You are meant for excellence. Making more impact. Becoming Iconic.

I believe that’s why you are here reading my email.

I want to help you to step into your more, your next level, your luxury soul brand, one that lights you up and inevitably impacts the world.

Your soul luxury brand should reflect where you want to go, not where you are, and from your higher self, not your ego self. 

And I want you to bring out your freest, your most joyful self, while serving the world. 

You talk to a client and you see their model of the world shifting in front of your eyes.

It’s a gift.

It’s a mission.

Humble is a good personality but at the same time don’t let it be the reason to keep you small.

Don’t dull down your shine, water down your messaging, or quieten down your genius.

Maybe you have been told that the "good" people are the humble ones.

Maybe you are worried if you might be seen as boastful.  Bragging.  Skiting.  Arrogant.  Narcissistic.

That’s your ego-mind keeping you small.

​​Paradoxically, personal branding is about you but at the same time it isn’t. The more you put yourself out there, the less it becomes about you. Instead, it’s about what you represent. And those who are willing and ready, will accept the call to adventure that only you can offer.  

When you are willing to walk the talk, practice what you preach, and model your work in the world, you inspire other people to do the same. 

It’s then and only then that you can start to create a massive trust and credibility, make a huge impact, a huge income and really change people’s lives -- not just with what you do but with who you are. 

When you embody your inner icon, align with your true genius, step into your audacious power, you inspire others to do the same.

Celebrate your brilliance and let the world know about your gifts.

You are full of gratefulness and grace.

I hope this message resonates with some of you who have been dulling yourself down.

It's time to step into your fullest, most potent power.  It's truly extraordinary when you finally allow yourself to be fully seen.

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Strategic solutions will never solve energetic problems, no matter how many different options we try.

Stepping into who you truly are and unleashing yourself unto the world is an energetic explosion.

That explosion looks and feels like more of you going out in to the world.

The “more” of you you didn’t even realise was there. The purest essence of your Soul, your most unapologetic truth, the words you didn’t even know you had inside you, let alone needed to say. 

This isn’t just you being you. This is you unleashing you. That is what luxury soul branding is about. 

If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

P.P.S. I had a great time talking to Nadine about how to create a soul-aligned luxury branding. You can listen to the episode here.

Remember Who You Are

Remember Who You Are

Dear Beautiful,

When it comes to how people perceive you and why they choose to buy from you or work with you, 80% is based on who you are and how you show up in the world. 

People are looking for brands they can connect with these days. Brands that reflect who they are or who they aspire to be. 

It’s who YOU are that inspires other people to say yes to who THEY are. 

It’s who YOU are that creates connection and trust with your audience. 

That’s the only way to link our soul to theirs and form a lasting bond. And that’s one of the most beautiful gifts we can give to ourselves and to our audience. 

I see lots of new coaches and entrepreneurs make a costing mistake when they first launch their “brand”: they go to a website or graphic designer before they figure out the foundations and essence of their personal brand. 

It's a very common and costly mistake because they end up with a brand that is not fully representing them, a website that doesn't resonate, and a business that doesn't attract clients. 

They shy away from promoting their website and brand to others, cannot book new clients, lose confidence in themselves and their products or services, and wonder what's wrong.

There’s nothing wrong with you at all.  You have just focused on the wrong process, giving you the wrong outcome. You just need to step into that authentic space and figure out your personal brand; what makes you unique in a way that resonates with your ideal customer and clients. When you do that, it's like a magic wand that sweeps across your business and changes everything.

Finding your very own personal brand is all about finding that light inside of yourself and letting it shine brightly, so you can light up the world around you and inspire others to shine their light just by being who you are. Always. In the right place, at the right time.

Branding at its core is about working out who you are and what makes you different in a way that resonates with your ideal client. 

Designing your brand starts with the inside job first. It's not just a logo or website or social media handles. I work with our clients through a process to design their brand. And the first step is to discover your brand essence that answers your soul’s calling and get crystal clarity of your brand message that speaks to the heart of your ideal client. 

A woman who knows her purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities. Her light attracts people and opportunities to her.

Remember your life has a purpose and your dreams and visions are there for a reason; The world needs your unique talents and it’s time to show the world who you are. And let your light shine.

“Branding is the art of differentiation and tapping into your unique calling. It is the way that clients or consumers identify and experience a product, service, or person, from the look, taste, feel, and sound—a brand is all of those multifaceted parts.”

The best branding strategy is to create a soul-aligned business and life you love.

You get paid to be... YOU.

And there is so much freedom and grace in creating your iconic brand that way.

If creating a luxury brand based on your soul desires, getting iconic for being you, and getting paid by being YOU ... sound like your vibe...

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. If creating a luxury brand based on your soul desires, and getting paid by being YOU sound like your vibe, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Is your brand visible to your potential premium clients?

Is your brand visible to your potential premium clients?

Dear Beautiful,

Is your brand visible to your potential high-ticket clients?

If not, let’s work on it now. 

If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know I am all about combining your inner work (mindset) together with the outer work (luxury branding strategy), as well as the higher work (soul alignment).

What do I mean by the inner work?

I mean working on the mindset around money, luxury, selling and marketing, being seen, putting yourself out there...etc.

For example, are you worried about other people’s judgment when you put yourself out there? Do you have the belief that selling and marketing are sleazy and shameful? Are you afraid of owning your desires for fine quality things in life? ...

I can give you all the brand strategies. But you won’t get results until you drop all the stories and negative belief systems around them.

Without true visibility, you will never fully realize your potential for selling your premium offers.

Now let’s also talk about the outer work - strategy.

It’s not just about making your brand visible. It’s about making your brand visible to the right type of clients. You must market your luxury brand to the right people with the right brand message. 

You are not a mass-market brand. For your premium clients, it isn’t about cost. It’s about getting a level of service at the quality they desire. 

You will need to know what your premium clients are looking for and where they will be looking for the type of service you offer. 

And remember the higher work of soul alignment. If you are in alignment, being visible and of service is one of the most soulful things you can do.

Making your brand visible is you speaking your truth, sharing your message, doing the work of your soul and inviting your high-end clients to pay you for the energetic exchange.

So here are some questions for you today: 

  • If your only job is to be in alignment and follow what lights you up, what might your brand and marketing look like?

  • What does visibility mean to you? How do you want to be seen?

  • What value will you bring to your high-ticket clients? How can you reach them?

When you follow your soul, life opens up to you.

That’s why my branding coaching and done for you services are so unparalleled because my approach involves inner work (mindset), outer work (strategy), and higher work (soul-alignment) so you can create and embody your soul-aligned luxury brand.

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

  • Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. Being a luxury brand, can only come from being a super you.

If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.

Brand Alignment

Brand Alignment

Dear Beautiful,

We love brands. 

Think about your favorite brand? Why you feel attached and loyal to them?

Because it is an expression of our dreams and desires. It is a wish fulfilled. It reflects the thoughts, emotions, and actions of the person we desire to be. The person we have yet to become is fulfilled in a world that the brand creates. It is a promise to create a world that nothing else can and where you become what you can never be.

So how do you create such a world and build a brand attracting your ideal high-end clients?

“In the world of social media and business, having a strong personal brand is an absolute must. Most people however have no idea when it comes to branding themselves online. 

No one has more knowledge and expertise on these matters than personal branding experts and consultants, so if you’re trying to build a successful personal brand, its a non-negotiable to work with one. 

That being said, not all personal branding experts are worth your time and it’s important to choose wisely. After all, you want someone capable of understanding who you are and translating that unique essence into a brand that can thrive.”

This is quoted from the article “20 Australian Personal Branding Experts to Watch in 2022” I am featured in last week by The Australian Business Journal. I cannot agree more with the last sentence. Your results working with a branding coach aren’t just based on the amount of effort you put in, they’re also based on believing, choosing and ALIGNMENT.

That’s why soo many brilliant creatives and entrepreneurs don’t see lasting results from a traditional branding expert. Because you need deep soul ALIGNMENT to build your luxury brand,  increase your income and expand your impact, plus create the lifestyle and freedom you desire and deserve!

That’s why my branding coaching and done for you services are so unparalleled because my approach involves inner work (mindset), outer work (strategy), and higher work (soul-alignment) so you can create and embody your soul-aligned luxury brand.

Featured in The Australian Business Journal “20 Australian Personal Branding Experts to Watch in 2022”

Featured in The Australian Business Journal “20 Australian Personal Branding Experts to Watch in 2022

So here are some journal questions for you to find your alignment today: 

  • Is the business and brand you’re currently focusing on aligned?

  • If money is not an issue, is what you’re focusing on right now actually what you’d be focusing on?

  • If you had complete freedom to create whatever you desire and you knew with complete certainty it would be a huge success, what would you actually be focusing on and putting your energy into right now?

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next level version of YOU.

I invite you to work with me in my signature Luxury Brand Coaching to: 

Activate Your Femme Abundance code and Embody your next level NOW

  • High-end Brand Strategy and the Luxury Brand Model

  • Attract Your Premium Clients and Seduce the Subconscious

  • Your Femme Brand Archetype and Aligned Essence

  • Your Signature Personal Brand and Image with Confidence

  • Premium Online Presence and Luxury Website and Social Media System

  • Creating Premium Offer and Brand Experience

  • Be a Luxury Brand and the Elegant Way of Marketing and Selling

If you've been feeling called to work together, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


P.S. I am so honored to be featured in the article “20 Australian Personal Branding Experts to Watch in 2022” I am featured in last week by The Australian Business Journal

If you'd like help with understanding what your unique brand essence is and how you can profit from it, I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.