Client Success Story - 6 Figures in 6 Months with a Luxury Brand Uplevel

Client Success Story - 6 Figures in 6 Months with a Luxury Brand Uplevel

Hi Beautiful,

I have just celebrated the Lunar New Year. We’re experiencing a surge of creative energy right now as the cycle of the Earth enters into its birthing of this year’s bounty. 

Now is the time to really reclaim who you are and step up to honour yourself in a powerful and renewed way.

It’s the time to liberate yourself from your need to be anything other than who you absolutely are.

And have a deep belief in yourself, who you are, how you show up, what you're meant for, and how you're manifesting it. 

Have a deep belief in your own capacity to recalibrate to the next level of success, impact and income.

Have a deep belief in your ability to call in dream high-paying clients, opportunities and money.

Have a deep belief in your ability and capacity to create and share your gifts with the world, make a bigger impact.

I would like to share with the success story of my luxury branding client - the Award-winning Quantum Healer Mell Balment. In the interview, we talked about:

  • How she steps into her luxury brand and own her power as a luxury icon to lead and inspire

  • Her new luxury brand visual identity.

  • How her brand uplevel helped her make 6 figures in 6 months.

If you feel inspired by her success story, I want to tell you that this is possible for you and is meant for you too. We wouldn't be able to feel something we don't care about and which is not already in our energetic frequency. 

This is what is awaiting you, here and now. Dare to claim that space in your energy and take a massive leap in your physical reality towards it.

And I am here to support you in taking the quantum leap and unleash your luxury brand …

Are you ready to have a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact?

Are you ready to become iconic and sell your services at luxury levels? 

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


P.S.  Check out the interview with my amazing luxury branding client - Award-winning Quantum Healer Mell Balment. In the interview, we talked about:

  • How she steps into her luxury brand and own her power as a luxury icon to lead and inspire

  • Her new luxury brand visual identity.

  • How her brand uplevel help her make 6 figures in 6 months.

I see you as a luxury icon, the next superstar. You matter and I’m grateful you’re here.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.

Are you marketing to the primal wants of your dream clients?

Are you marketing to the primal wants of your dream clients?

Hi Beautiful,

A luxury brand won't try to market to everyone because it dilutes its message. 

Luxury brands are exclusive. The clients of luxury brands long to differentiate themselves and they want to feel special, unique, accomplished, and even rewarded for their success.

Who is your dream client for your luxury brand?

Think about your WHO before what you will offer. Your services are not for everybody.

Nor should they be. 

And you need to understand what subconscious desires she has and what pain she has. Because we make purchasing decisions with our emotions and then justify them with our logic.

Why do they need or want your product or service over other options? What are the subconscious desires of your high-end client?

Luxury brands don't market to the lowest level of need. They market to people who are at the level of self-actualization in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. High-end clients are usually at higher levels of esteem and self-actualization.

What is the pain they are relieving when using your product or service? When you understand the pain, then you can understand the pleasure.

When you direct your product to the subconscious desires of your high-end client, you will start to attract them. Remember your dream client is not buying a "product" or “services”, your high-paying client is buying a "transformation".

A Queen does not chase. She transforms. My question for you is that in order for you to do your best work and help your client transform, who do you need to be? Who are you choosing to be? 

Embodiment is one big piece when you create your luxury brand. 

If you haven’t read my e-mag “Luxury Branding - The Essentials”, you can read it here to learn about how to magnetise premium, high-paying clients with the power of a luxury brand.

The destination is not “there”, it is “who”.

Who you are dictates everything.

Are you a Queen in command of her power to lead and inspire?

Are you ready to have a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact?

Does your brand reflect the luxury icon you are and the high-quality services and transformation you offer? I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to find out.

To your luxury brand,


P.S.  A Queen does not chase. She transforms. My question for you is that in order for you to do your best work and help your client transform, who do you need to be? Who are you choosing to be?

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

Stand in your power as a luxury brand

Stand in your power as a luxury brand

Hi Beautiful,

Some said luxury is superficial. I discovered that it can be spiritual. Luxury is the freedom to choose. It's another way of the Divine Source expressing beauty in this world. 

Luxury does not have to be something, it can be a feeling, a more expansive way of expressing yourself in the world. A luxury brand is not about Dior or Chanel. It's standing in high worth and owning your ability and power to lead and inspire.

That is my definition of a luxury brand. And it really resonates with my clients.

A premium brand fully represents the icon you are and a brand magnetising high-paying clients are the direct outcome. Standing in high worth and owning your power is what it takes to create this outcome.

And that is usually what scares us most. There's that little girl inside of us who wants to be liked. 

Being a luxury brand, however, demands that we speak our truth, set strong boundaries, make tough decisions that may not be liked by others.

That’s really the real reason that stopped lots of talented female coaches and founders step into their next level of success. What they truly fear is not success itself, but ‘making’ people mad or unhappy.

So how do you not let that fear stop you from your next level of success, income and impact?

The answer to this is simple, but not easy.

However, if you’re here reading this, I believe you’re ready for it.

Be who you are and make the shift to “I’d rather be respected than liked.”

This is something I know to be true because I’ve seen it happen over and over again with successful clients, friends, colleagues, and myself: When you have a brand and an online presence that reflects your true identity and express it powerfully, the world re-arranges itself to gather at your feet.

There will be people that don’t like you. But those are your tribe will love you. Remember you are not for everyone. 

It’s scary, which is why I say it isn’t easy - but the people who everyone admires have been courageous enough to do this.

I am so grateful to have worked with so many amazing ladies who stand in high worth and own their ability and power to lead and inspire!

Love and Gratitude from my client the luxury icon Mell Balment. See the testimonials from my amazing clients  here

I cannot wait to meet the next superstar - YOU! 

Imagine how it will feel knowing that you have a mindset and a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to learn more about working with me privately to up-level your income and impact in 2022.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  If you’re here reading this, I believe you’re ready for it. Ready to stand in your power of a luxury brand. I want you to take all of who you are into what you are creating so you can make it more impactful as you step into your next level of success in 2022.
If you are feeling called to work with me to create an online presence that fully represents you, your passion, expertise, and unique sense of style, so that your high-end clients are drawn to work with you, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.

Do you have resistance stepping into your luxury brand

Do you have resistance stepping into your luxury brand

Hi Beautiful,

I want to share with you a story I heard. It’s about two caterpillars who spy a butterfly overhead?

One looks up longingly. The other snorts, “You’ll never get me in that contraption.” 

You may be feeling the same about stepping into your iconic luxury brand. Part of you really wants to stand in high-worth, create your luxury brand, own your power to lead inspire and make more income and impact. The other part, not so much. As a result, you find yourself stuck in Resistance.

Resistance is not bad, nor does it mean something’s wrong. Resistance is a normal, natural, inevitable reaction to change.

In fact, resistance is actually good. It’s a sign you’re going to the next level.

And resistance isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom of something deeper. It’s about your subconscious belief. 

I invite you to look deeper whenever you have resistance and draw back the curtain and expose the truth.

What’s the real reason stopping you from owning your luxury brand and making 6 or 7 figures in your business? What’s the benefits you will get if you keep playing small? And is that really true?

Then I want you to think about stepping forward as the iconic version of you. 

So what does this picture look like for you? What is the impact you could make in the world? Would you be able to serve, give and play at the highest possible level? 

Discover some of the bespoken luxury branding we have created in our studio here

Imagine how it will feel knowing that you have a mindset and a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact.

Where you’ll be able to work less and create consistent $50k +months and beyond?  

Where you’ll have a business that supports all of your soul’s desires - calling in your soul sister clients that you love, working with people that get amazing results, spending more time off doing things you love and spending time with your loved ones…

If you are ready to overcome your resistance, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to learn more about working with me privately to up-level your income and impact in 2022.

To your luxury brand,


P.S.  I always remind myself  why I am doing what I do - To have an impact in the world through what I create, how I connect with women and see my clients grow and transform their brand into the reflection of who they really are, create beautiful things in the world that remind women of their beauty… and have the freedom to what I love and spending time with my loved ones…

I now only have 10 spots available for the entire year for my signature “Haute Couture” Luxury Branding experience to help you launch your luxury brand for 2022. If you are feeling called to work with me to create an online presence that fully represents you, your passion, expertise, and unique sense of style, so that your high-end clients are drawn to work with you, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

You are meant for so much more abundance in your life

You are meant for so much more abundance in your life

Hi Beautiful,

I am officially back to the studio this week. 

I've been thinking a lot about you, your dreams, and your luxury brand when I did my reflection for last year and set my intention for 2022.  

My desire is to continue to be of service to you in the new year in an even bigger, better and more luxurious way so that you can turn your luxury brand vision into reality. 

I know you have a desire to transform your brand and life. To express your work in a bigger way.

If you take the time now to really connect with your why, with your purpose for doing what you do and your reason for being on this planet, nothing can stop you from being successful. If your WHY is strong, the how won’t seem as daunting. The technology won’t seem as overwhelming. And the naysayers won’t get you down.

Don’t make the mistake of skipping the “Why” and jumping into “What”.

Of course there can be tremendous satisfaction in what you do, but when you express it through your why, your purpose, your legacy, your contribution, the greater vision or aspiration behind your work, you can feel a sense of fulfillment that goes beyond simply being the best at what you do. 

I know you have a desire to create an iconic luxury brand, my question to you is how long are you willing to keep telling yourself the stories that have held you back? How long can you realistically afford to wait to start making this dream brand and your next-level expansion a reality? 

The real beauty of this is that... when you inspire yourself, everyone else can feel it too... Few things are more powerful than sharing your values, your beliefs, and your why with the world. And your high-end client won’t want to work with a toned down, uninspired, cubicle-bound version of you.

My 2022 creation time with my high-vibe goddess soul sister @lyssbl1ssv

You are meant for so much more abundance in your life. You are meant to work with high-level clients and deserve to receive support with building your iconic brand. 

I want to invite you to your next level. 

I believe the year 2022 is a year of up-levelling. 

The Universe will take the seeds that you have been planting, multiply and blossom them and you will receive your desires in the most beautiful, luxurious and elegant way if you choose to believe in yourself and receive the support! It will require you to do things like you have never done them before. It will require more intention and a strategy that actually works.

I only have 11 spots available for the entire year for my signature “Haute Couture” Luxury Branding experience to help you launch your luxury brand for 2022. If you are feeling called to work with me, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.

To your luxury brand,


P.S.  Are you wondering how can I take my brand to a higher level in 2022 to set me apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value my work and are willing to pay for my premium products and services online?

How do I create an online presence that fully represents me, my passion, expertise, and unique sense of style, so that my high-end clients are drawn to work with me?

You are in the right place. I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to learn more about working with me privately to up-level your income and impact in 2022.

How We Become One Of The Top Luxury Branding Studios

How We Become One Of The Top Luxury Branding Studios

Hi Beautiful,

Happy new year! 

What is your theme and intention for 2022? My theme for this year is “Beautiful Relationships”.

My loving relationship with my partner and loved ones, beautiful relationships with my clients and team, soulful collaboration and partnership with high-vibe entrepreneurs, soul-sister relationships with my friends…

And of course, it all starts with my relationship with myself.

I had to be honest with myself, work with myself, listen to myself, really love myself, and trust myself. 

And I will never stop growing, creating, loving, and giving. It's who I am. Nothing is ever wasted. I remember feeling lost between two worlds, after immigrating to Melbourne Australia from Shanghai. I remember trying to figure out my life purpose while feeling stuck in a 9-5. However, each experience helps me learn about the woman I am, remember about the people I love and I take the joy and wisdom with me to create my future.

And I am proud that I am a long, long way from where I started. I proudly own my 'Je ne sais quoi' and build a business and life I love. My story of “How We Become One Of The Top Luxury Branding Studios” is featured on the Starter Story this week. You can check it out here.

Elva Li Luxury Branding

Own and honour the uniquely you. 

I will be speaking at THE SECRET FASHION MOVEMENT Virtual Summit this weekend. The mission of the summit is to bring together a variety of leading experts so that attendees can optimize and create a leading luxury brand, have true influence and revamp their presence online and get consistent high ticket clients. I’m going to talk all about Luxury Branding and​​ The Money Mindset to a Luxury Lifestyle. You can check out all the details and get your free ticket for The Secret Fashion Movement here.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S. I’m speaking at THE SECRET FASHION SUMMIT Virtual Summit on 10 January 2022 about Luxury Branding and​​ The Money Mindset to a Luxury Lifestyle. You’re invited. Get all the details and get your free ticket here.

Learn how to rebrand yourself as a luxury, revamp your online presence and attract high-ticket clients

Learn how to rebrand yourself as a luxury, revamp your online presence and attract high-ticket clients

Hi Beautiful,

2021 has certainly been a year of so many things. A lot is happening in the world, and within us. 

We’ve all had to experience a different world where we learned to prioritize ourselves, our passions and our dreams. This has certainly enhanced the need to create a different relationship with our personal desires and work, developing new skills in many areas. After all, how can we show up as our best selves if we don’t allow our passions to materialize?

That’s why I’m so excited to be part of The Secret Fashion Movement Summit and join other leading experts to share with you not just how to build a luxury brand, so you magnetically attract 5 figure clients with ease. Taking the different relationships with style, mindset, and best practices, to make you an authority and opinion leader in your field while building your financial freedom doing what you are passionate about. 

I will be joining Manuela Proano, Founder & Creative Director of MPPA, and other industry experts, who have found the secrets to craft your image and presence that every driven entrepreneur dreams of to excel in their business.

Elva Li Luxury Branding

Over two days, 8 - 9 January 2022, you’ll hear from us about everything from the impact of a magnetic mindset, how and where to start building your online presence, How luxury branding is for product-based brands and personal branding, the most important thing you can do for the future of your business. How to build your personal brand in the age of social media. How to use personal branding and networking to open doors for you. How to quickly grow your positioning even if you are just starting. The best sustainable practices to communicate and connect with your audience... and so much more. 

I’m going to talk all about “How to unlock your brand abundance code, create and embody a Luxury Brand. You don’t want to miss it.

You can check out all the details and get your free ticket for The Secret Fashion Movement today!

To your high-end brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S. I’m speaking at THE SECRET FASHION SUMMIT Virtual Summit on 9 January 2022 about How to unlock your brand abundance code, create and embody a Luxury Brand. You’re invited! Get all the details and grab your free ticket here!

Luxury brands exude confidence, quality, exclusivity

Luxury brands exude confidence, quality, exclusivity

Hi Beautiful,

Having a luxury brand will give you more confidence. Even just a salesperson at Dior or Chanel boutique has confidence. Why? Luxury brands exude confidence, quality, exclusivity

I want you to stand in your value around what you offer. Have confidence.

I want you to think bigger and be confident about the value your product provides.

There is no competition if you are doing your life’s work. It’s as unique as you are and you should strive for more uniqueness.

Think “here’s why I’m so proud of my programs or services and why people desire to invest in them.”

We rank products and services all the time. Think about Motel vs. Marriott vs. Ritz Carlton. Do you see how your mind ranks them in order of lowest to the highest quality? We do that naturally.

Look at your business as a pursuit of excellence in every sense of the word–production,

knowledge, customer service. You might be selling a feeling, an experience, or a cause.

When you only sell a product or service, it’s easy for that product or service to become a commodity. But when you sell something more, when you sell based on the value that product provides, people will pay a lot more.

Instead of thinking of yourself as selling a product or service, ask what it is you’re really selling. Is it a transformation, an experience, a cause, etc?

Stand in your value around what you offer. Have confidence and show up as an iconic and high-end brand.

I was interviewed on The Book Your Dream Clients Podcast with the amazing Lindsay Maloney talking about “How to Show Up as an Iconic and High-level Brand.” You can listen to the podcast here.

Elva Li Luxury Branding

And I’m here to help you unleash your full potential, rise above what has been and step into the most iconic, next-level version of YOU.

If you are ready to step into your ICON status and create a luxury brand online presence, let’s chat.

To your high-end brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S. I believe there’s a luxury brand in you and you have the power to uplevel in an instant the moment you stop being available for anything except being a luxury icon.

If you are called to step into being the icon and create your luxury brand, I am here to guide you and make your vision into reality. 

I invite you to have a 1:1 conversation with me to dive deeper into the essence of who you are and create your high-end brand from clarity, confidence, and alignment. Book your High-end Brand Clarity Call and let’s chat.