Luxury brand success belongs to the focused

Luxury brand success belongs to the focused

Dear Beautiful,

Luxury brand success belongs to the focused.

Without focus, it’s easy to get sidetracked by multiple distractions fighting for your attention. But with focus, conflicting objectives cease to control you, making it easier (and less stressful) to take decisive action without second guessing.

Prioritize and take action. Put your attention exclusively on your priorities. All else goes on the back burner. 

When you focus on something, you see results. When you focus on nothing, you get nothing.

The biggest excuse for not following your desire of creating a luxury brand is the limiting belief “It worked for you but it won’t work for me because …. ”

Whatever you want to achieve is not accessible to you because you’ve decided it’s not possible or too difficult.

The world is your oyster and that oyster is wide open, waiting for you.

Aries new moon has arrived. Aries is all about your sense of self and individuality, as well as your own personal fire. Where in your life and business you need focus for growth and apply the action energy of fiery Aries.

What are your true desires and visions for your brand?

In what areas of your life and business do your need to take more inspired action?

It is time to be focused and take action.

There are two paths you can take when it comes to your brand.

You can take the mass market path. Do what everyone else is doing and charge what everyone else is charging, and work with anyone and everyone who can afford you.

But if you are done with selling yourself short and you are ready to instantly, almost magically start working with high-quality, high-paying clients…

Then the luxury way is for you. 

Your luxury brand is the way that can amplify your influence and your revenue beyond what you believe is possible when executed properly.

You’ll be working exclusively with high-quality clients who are actually eager to work with you and will appreciate everything you do for them.

You’ll produce your best work and create a massive, lasting impact in the lives of your clients.

Are you ready to get focused on creating your luxury brand and selling a potent high ticket offer?

I can see an incredible journey ahead of you. 

It’s the same journey my clients take as they step into their inner luxury icon and claim their luxury brand.

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  Luxury is the freedom to choose. Time and money are not the issue anymore.  When we have the trust in our brand, we don’t worry about money.  When we have faith in ourselves, we don’t worry about time. 

What you want... that's your Soul nudge. Don’t wait. Take action now.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level, attract more high-end clients, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

Elegance is Refusal

Elegance is Refusal

Dear Beautiful,

Decide what kind of brand you actually want to build. Then say no to everything that isn’t that.

If you want a different reality, do something different.

If you want dramatically increase your earnings by positioning yourself as the most desired celebrity and authority figure in your marketplace, be a luxury brand.

If you want to attract high-level buyers, solve high-level problems.

If you want to be expensive and high-end, deliver expansive results for your clients.

If you want epic results for your luxury brand, hire a top luxury branding expert and coach like me to help you accelerate your success. 

What kind of brand do you actually want to build?

There’s room for everyone at the top. 

Most people are comfortable enough to swim with the commodities at the bottom. But that’s not you. 

Instead of being the one who sells and speaks to the lowest common denominator, you trust that there are premium buyers out there who are ready and willing to pay for exceptional service and results – in any economic climate. 

Decide what you want. Then say no to everything that isn’t that.

It’s whatever you want it to be, not whatever you’re told it is. 

Never settle for less than what you want. 

Don’t accept anything that doesn’t feel good to you. 

It’s OK to say no and ask for something better. 

Your brand, your business, your life … is whatever you want it to be. 

Name it. Claim it. Own it.

"Elegance is refusal" — Coco Chanel

Elegance is the refusal to compromise our standards.

This is the secret to your luxury brand's success.

Whenever you stand up for what you want, whenever you refuse to take less than you deserve, your brand, business and life will begin to change, sometimes dramatically.

You'll also notice a shift in how you feel about yourself. 

And your clients will be drawn to your brand and what you’re offering, because they see themselves. They see the possibilities, and the potential, and their Soul is undeniably inexplicably drawn to it, through you.

Your brand is whatever you want it to be.  You become your special brand of luxe magic. 

And all you need is one decision. 

When you believe in yourself, in your capabilities, you make choices that will take you to the next level. And the rest will follow.

There’s a difference between wishing things were different, and deciding to do something about it.

With that kind of energy, you begin to radiate out what you’re calling in. 

With that radiance, you step into momentum.

And with that momentum, everything is possible again. 

And all because… 

Asking for more is an act of self-love.

Saying no is a statement of self-respect.

Refusing to settle is a show of self-esteem.

And walking away is a sign of self-trust.

I believe if you are reading this, you are hungry for something different. Better. The kind of transformation you can find by creating your luxury brand. 

What would you do if you trust your wings, your inner genius, your inner icon? They are telling you there’s something more for you. Way more.

Are you ready to become iconic and sell out your services at luxury levels?

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  You don’t need more information. You have knowledge. What you need is to access your inner power.

The power of your energy is everything. The words you think, feel, speak and receive, all make up the reality you experience. 

It is time to create a new luxe love story that is your brand and life.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level, attract more high-end clients, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

You are one luxury offer away from your freedom lifestyle

You are one luxury offer away from your freedom lifestyle

Dear Beautiful,

Someone once asked me ''What's your definition of Heaven on earth?''

I think it’s not about where I am, Heaven on earth for me is when I’m most connected, joyful, in flow, and experience the sheer magic of life itself. Just like last weekend, my partner Ryan took me on a surprise weekend trip and I am filled with beauty, love, joy and the magic of life.

By BEING the feeling of - joy and magic, I drew to me even more feelings of being heaven on earth.  

The same with stepping into and claiming your luxury brand. It’s not just about branding, it’s about a way of being and embodying.

Luxury brand positioning allows you to attract attention from your most ideal target market. And easily create an authority position that creates the know, like and trust factor to help you make more sales with ease.

Luxury brand positioning allows you to create a financially-free business lifestyle on your own terms. The luxury marketing strategy also allows you to work where and when you want.

You will be able to generate profits with clients you LOVE, and have the freedom to design your life.

That’s what a luxury brand gives to me and my clients. 

I am so grateful for my amazing clients. They have become more than my clients, and truly soulful friends. I have the freedom, luxury, and ability to carefully select who I work with and the projects I take on. I am personally invested in each and everyone, and I want them to succeed professionally and financially. 

I am so grateful that I have the freedom to choose only to work 2 days the week before and enjoy the long weekend on Monday, took the Wednesday off to celebrate with my soul sisters, and go on the weekend trip on Friday with my partner Ryan. 

I am so grateful that my luxury brand offer allows me to make a big difference in my client’s life, that my clients let me in at that level of intimacy so that I can fully invest in serving their greatest & highest good. I truly appreciate the power of proximity and intimacy. 

When you make your “life-changing” luxury offer, remember your life also gets to be changed.

Step into your role of the luxury brand and own your ability to lead and inspire.

It means learning who you truly are without need for validation from others.

It means having the courage to look at and work through the barriers standing in the way of your fullest human expression.

It means courageously doing the inner work you must do to face things you know reduce your impact in the world and hold you back.

It means not just learning what values and virtues are important to you - but becoming them and operationalising them in everything that you do.

It means understanding that you are an agent of change because of who you are, not just what you know or do.

It means elevating your presence so you can show up more powerfully in your life and create powerful experiences.

I am inviting you to discover how to truly create the type of brand and lifestyle that fulfills you and allows you to express yourself more authentically in the world. 

Let's explore what is possible for you.

I am here and ready to hold space for the luxury icons that are looking to co-create 6 and 7 figures in their business as a luxury brand. 

It’s not just about branding. It’s about opening yourself to receiving the unlimited abundance, the lifestyle you desire and making the impact you are meant for.

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,

Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  Feminine energy is about that presence, power, and performance, because, without performance, your presence has no power.
If you are ready to unleash your feminine energy as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.

 The Missing Piece to Manifest Your Dream Business and Life

The Missing Piece to Manifest Your Dream Business and Life

Dear Beautiful,

I am writing to you in a luxury beautiful tea room today. I just had a celebration lunch at a fine dining waterfront restaurant together with my two soul sisters. Now I am sipping the tea, enjoying the elegance and beauty around me, and writing to you, one of my favourite things each week. 

This is my exact ideal day on my dream boards a few years ago while I was still in a 9-5 job. I desired to use my talents to make a difference while enjoying all the beautiful things the world has to offer. I desired to surround myself with other high-vibe beautiful women who also desire deep meaningful conversations about life, spirituality, and a thirst for personal development and growth.

And now I am living my desires. What made my desires become reality, is not the “blueprints and formulas” out there that make huge promises. It’s the embodiment piece that helped me manifest my dream business, brand and life. 

Without understanding the embodiment piece, you risk not creating business and life on your terms. Because while formulas matter in marketing and it’s crucial to have a mentor show you the steps, if you can’t EMBODY that next level in your business, all the templates, checklists, and high dollar coaching will never work. That’s why my signature “Luxe Femme” brand system incorporate inner work, outer work and higher work to help you embody your next level self. 

After investing 6 figures in coaching and programs and trying to find “blueprints and formulas” back then, I realised that my work is to be the best steward of my vision for my next level higher self that I can be. 

I asked myself what qualities do I need to embody to get to that next level? You focus on the things you desire, look for evidence in my life, look for role models and notice how they show up using the qualities I would like. And I took actions to embody those feelings and qualities.

That’s the missing piece that helped me have quantum leaps in my business and life. And the same happened for my clients too.

My Goddess Day lunch on Wednesday with my high-vibe beautiful soul sisters who also enjoy the beautiful things in life, desire deep meaningful conversations about life, spirituality, and a thirst for personal development and growth.

You see, creating your luxury brand that represents your higher self is not just the brand strategy, brand visuals, etc. These are the “outer work”. You will need to do the “inner work” and “higher work” too.

Here are two of the fastest ways I help my clients to tap into that energy in my “Luxe Femme” brand system:

  1. Awaken your feminine energy and reconnect with this wonderful part of yourself, reclaiming this potent energy and channelling it toward your next level of expansion.

  2. Re-own your child self. Restore yourself to a child-like sense of life. You may think that the child represents what we will grow out of in the process of personal progression. However, the secret is that the inner child is the disguise for the higher self. 

Owning your luxury desires and doing the embodiment work is a spiritual practice. The moment you invite the Divine into your relationship with your luxury brand and business, your experience with money and luxury grows deeper, richer, more meaningful. It did for me, all those many years ago.

When I stopped thinking of business and financial success as solely a practical process, I began treating it as a sacred practice. That's when things started changing dramatically.

Living my luxury brand turned into a powerful tool for pursuing my Soul’s purpose, for living the life of my dreams.

There’s no doubt in my mind that when I help more women to unleash and embody their luxury brand, they will bring their vision to reality, create more impact, lead and inspire, and create a ripple effect. Together we will make this world a more beautiful and better place.

Claim it. Own it. Live it.

You are ready to embody your luxury brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact? 

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  It's time to step into your feminine power, embody your luxury brand, and receive more success in your life with greater ease. 

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

Are you celebrating with me?

Are you celebrating with me?

Dear Beautiful,

My soul sister bestie Lyss got married two weeks ago and I attended her fairytale wedding celebration. It was such a heart-warming, magical, love-filled wedding and it reminds me that Celebration is a form of Gratitude.

One of the fastest ways to manifest your desires is to celebrate daily. 

Celebrate yourself, your love, your beauty, your business, your life… celebrate what you are experiencing and express gratitude for what you are about to receive. 

What you cannot see now doesn’t mean it’s not happening in the background.  

When I work with my VIP clients using my signature “Luxe Femme” brand system, we work on the “Inner Work”, the “Outer Work” and the “Higher Work”. It is not just about branding; it is about having faith in yourself, faith in another, and faith in the Divine

To have faith in yourself is to acknowledge that you are truly gifted and back yourself 100% in all of your decisions and actions. 

To have faith in another is to experience a vulnerability of power, human experience and trust my expertise to guide and facilitate you in the process. 

To have faith in the Divine is to surrender utterly and completely to any sense of control, co-create with the Universe and know that it or something better.

Do you know that sometimes clients buy your programs years after they first found you? 

In the past two weeks, one of my luxury clients signed up for my coaching program after we first chatted mid last year. And another amazing client signed up after 3 years of following me on social media.

This happens all the time. 

But if I had stopped having faith and showing up when I didn’t make a sale immediately after posting on social media, or sending an email, or doing a masterclass… then they would never have become paying clients. 

You're here to serve, coach, and create for the long-term. Building your brand is a lifetime work, not a season. 

Have the faith and celebrate it’s coming even when nothing on the surface is happening. 

You’re sitting in the seat of your power while you create your work and share it with the world, your clients will be there for each and every time you offer them a place to work with you. 

One day, they'll be ready.

Because you were there, consistently.

Because you're a steady, shimmering presence in their life.

Because they trust you.

Because they deeply know your work.

But only if you keep having faith and showing up. 

Who do you have to become in order to have faith in yourself, faith in others, and faith in the Divine?

What can you celebrate today to express your gratitude for what you are experiencing and what you know it’s on the way?

Today I bought myself some fresh flowers just because.

I poured my sparkling water into my crystal champagne glass to celebrate just because.

I had a dance party in my office like I have won an amazing prize just because. 

Laugh, smile and celebrate. 

Lean into a way of being that is in alignment with your highest potential... when anything becomes possible.

Stay luxurious and in this celebration vibe.

Are you joining me?

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your celebration of the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  Begin to celebrate daily and it will change your energy, your business and your life.If you are ready to celebrate your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

Dress as the woman who you want to become

Dress as the woman who you want to become

Dear Beautiful,

This week is Paris Fashion week after Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week 2022 has come to an end a month ago. Creativity, extravagance, and daring are not lacking in the various shows, which results in a week full of inspiration.

You too have the power to light up any room and turn heads the moment you walk in. It’s not about being beautiful, it’s about being confident. And confidence comes from clarity. When you find your authentic personal style and dial into the top 3-5 elements of your personal brand, it’s a lot easier to find your inner confidence.

You may have heard of “The 3 Second Rule”. Research shows that people are hard-wired to judge you within 3-7 seconds of meeting you, coming to your website, or watching those first few frames of video. In just 3 seconds they decide whether they’re going to stick around and engage with you or take off and never come back. 

If you don’t capture someone’s attention in that tiny window of time, you’ve lost a critical opportunity. That person could have become your luxury client or customer, your best success story, a high-profile media appearance, a joint venture partnership that gives you exposure to thousands of new prospects, or – you name it. 

You never know who is going to find you and where they’ll first encounter you, so it’s critical to present a conscious and consistent face to the world, enabling you to transform first impressions into lasting relationships and that all starts with looking the part. 

Because the reality is if you don’t look at the part of how you present yourself to the world, don't support your message, and don't lend credibility to what you do, you’re dead in the water. No one’s going to trust you with their hard-earned money if you’re not sending signals that model your work and the transformation you promise. 

So why do we all go around expecting other people to treat us differently, expecting other people will automatically get how important our message is and just see us for who we are, regardless of whether we’ve taken the time to really put it out there in a way that commands their attention. 

When I work with my VIP clients using my signature “Luxe Femme” brand system, I help them to create their Style Story. When you dress each day, how do you want to feel? What 3 words do you want to describe your signature style? Based off what you’ve discovered, describe your dream outfit for work, play and night out on the town. What do you want people to assume based on your style?

If you want to BE someone different (your next level self), you have to DO different things. Take different actions. Do things you never would have done before.

The way you dress is a direct reflection of who you are, so dress as a woman you desire to be; that version of yourself that is the next level of where you want to be. Represent the legacy of the woman you want to establish.

It’s in committing to mastering the next evolution of who you are. 

Embodying the Icon that you are.

Once you step into this Iconic way of being, there is a completely different strategy that is befitting your elite gifts.

You ARE the value, you ARE the missing piece, you ARE the next level, you ARE the best version of you, you ARE the goal and the dream.

You are ready to have a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact.

You are ready to become iconic and sell your services at luxury levels.

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  The way you dress is a direct reflection of who you are, so dress as a woman you desire to be; that version of yourself that is the next level of where you want to be. Represent the legacy of the woman you want to establish.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me. 

5 Keys to Create a Luxury Personal Brand

5 Keys to Create a Luxury Personal Brand

Hi Beautiful!

If you are reading this, I know you are ready to be visible, be iconic and be magnetic.

I would like to share with you some of the keys to creating your luxury brand from my signature "Luxe Femme" brand system, which integrates holistic high-end brand strategy, creative direction, and mindset and soul work to translate the essence of a woman’s soul into a luxury personal brand to help my clients increase their perceived value, expand their influence and impact.

Key # 1: Your Luxury Mindset

Cultivating the mindset is the first thing to build your luxury brand, the mindset around money, selling and marketing, being seen, putting yourself out there...etc.

For example, are you worried about other people’s judgment when you put yourself out there? Are you worried that you are not good enough? Do you have the belief that selling and marketing are sleazy and shameful? Are you afraid of owning your true desires? Do you believe having influence and fame is bad?

I can give you all the brand strategies. But you won’t get results until you drop all the stories and negative belief systems around being worthy, being seen and having influence.

You are good enough. It's safe for you to shine bright and be famous in exactly the ways you want to. When you desire to be seen, from a loving and service-based place, you are able to use your gifts, voice, vibe, and wisdom to serve and inspire others. This is about purpose and impact.

It's time to show up with purpose and passion. It's time to develop a mindset that supports you in creating the person you want to be and the brand you desire to build. Let your beautiful thoughts bloom and change the ones that don't in line with your brand.

Key #2: Your Brand Essence

What is your vision? What do you desire to feel? What are your core values?

When I asked these questions, many women will tell me "Elva, I don't know." But the truth is they DO know deep down inside, but they just afraid to express it and the truth of who they are. Your brand will fold itself to you as you allow yourself to feel better and better about the truth of who you are.

You choose how you want to show up in the world in a way that is authentically you. Your brand values should be in line with who you are and your desired feelings.

They are your internal brand guide to help you make any decisions about your brand.

Once you identify your desired feelings, anchor them by writing on your mirror, putting them in your wallet, using as computer password, setting iPhone reminders...If you like creating beautiful visual feelings, you can create a picture board for my desired feelings.

So beautiful, who do you want to be? What do you want to feel?

Key #3: Your Brand Muse

A luxury brand won't try to market to everyone because it dilutes its message.

Who is your brand Muse?

WHO your target market is is much more important than the WHAT you are offering. Think about your WHO before the what you will offer. Your services are not for everybody.

What is her pain?

I use Maslow's hierarchy of needs to help my clients better understand the needs of their dream clients. Luxury brands don't market to the lowest level of need such as physiological or safety needs. They market to people who are at the level of self-actualization. High-end clients are usually at higher levels of esteem and self-actualization.

How can your services solve her pain?

When you direct your product or services to the subconscious desires of your premium client, you will start to attract them. Remember your high-end client is not buying a "product/services" she is buying a "transformation".

Key #4: Your Brand Visuals

Branding is not merely images, colors and fonts, but that is a big part of it. Visuals have a huge impact on our emotions and it directly determines the connection your clients and audience have with your brand.

High-end clients are shopping for a premium 5 or 6 figure offer like yours. But if you are not presenting yourself as a high-end brand, your brand is invisible to them.

Wanna know the secret to live on brand? J'adore your life NOW.

If your brand value is beauty, don't wait till you have a dream body;

If your brand value is abundant, don't wait till you are a millionaire;

If your brand value is loving, don't wait till you meet your Prince Charming...

If you want to live on brand, stop waiting for the perfect timing / body / people to come, start to create that feeling now!

Ask yourself:

1) What do I desire?

2) Why you desire it? How would you feel if you have it?

3) How can you create that feeling now into your life?

Building your luxury brand involves cultivating an authentic confident inner world as well as a magnetic luxe outer world because you cannot live on brand by doing one without the other.

If we want to draw an experience to us, we can’t look for it. We have to become it.

You believe it.

You embody it.

You become it.

I know you are ready to become a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact.

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


P.S. Once you step into an iconic being, there is a completely different strategy that is befitting your elite gifts. If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.

Your Net Worth is Not What’s Standing in Your Way to a Luxury Brand

Your Net Worth is Not What’s Standing in Your Way to a Luxury Brand

Hi Beautiful,

Have you been delaying creating your luxury brand until you achieve a certain net worth status? Think that you need to achieve "a certain number" before you’ll "allow" yourselves to start your level up? 

Think that your net worth is what’s standing in your way to a luxury brand? Then you have it backwards

When you embrace your power as a luxury brand who is standing in her high-worth, knows that she is so much more than her net worth, and starts seizing the "now" and owning the ability to lead and inspire …that’s when you’ll begin to see shifts in your brand, business, life and net worth.

The mindset, energy, thoughts and emotions that brought you to this place are not going to suddenly make you become the next-level version of yourself.

If you want to be a high-level international coach or expert, offering a bespoke premium service for a select high-end clientele to whom you can bring out your highest creativity and expertise, create more income, impact, and influence,  then you need to embody that woman

If you are delaying your next level upgrade. Deep down here's why:

You don't believe you can have it.

You don't feel good enough for it.

You believe something bad will happen when you get it.

You feel guilty, greedy, selfish, or wrong for wanting it.

You don't show up for it.

Here is a practice I coach my clients to become conscious and strategic about how you show up – for yourself and others – and how you live your personal brand in the day-to-day. 

I would like to write your je ne sais quoi in 6 words, 3 words about how you want to be and 3 words about how you want to interact with others. Then remind yourself of those words on a regular basis how you want to show up in the world and interact with others. For example, revisit this every morning, before you write an email or blog post, before a sales call, before you step in front of the camera, on stage or on a webinar, etc. This will help you bring your next-level self forward and really turn up the volume on your energy and presence, until you’ve practiced it so much it becomes automatic.

When you accentuate a small selection of carefully chosen traits.... specific qualities that are already there in the background... you suddenly have the power and ability to step into the most impactful version of you.... the version of you that allows you to show up fully as your version of next level and best self regardless of how you’re feeling or what’s going on in your life. 

This is the version of you that rises to each day, each interaction and each opportunity.

This is the version of you that people will resonate with, follow and fall in love with. 

This is the version of you will make more income, impact and influence by being who you truly are.

Only the space that is created when you step out of not enough and scarcity, and back into sufficiency and abundance. 

Enough time.

Enough presence.

Enough possibility.

Enough sufficiency.

Enough money, clients and flow.

Enough of everything you need and desire.

In trusting your enoughness, you step into the energy of sufficiency, and in the energy of sufficiency, your body exhales, because you know you are a luxury icon standing in your high-worth and owning your power to lead and inspire.

You are ready to have a premium brand that consistently brings in high-end clients while you have more freedom to do what you love and create a bigger impact.

You are ready to become iconic and sell your services at luxury levels.

I invite you to book a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me to begin your journey to the luxury brand icon I know is inside you.

To your luxury brand,


Luxury Branding Queen | Creative Director | Speaker

P.S.  I see you as a luxury icon, the next super star. You matter and I’m grateful you’re here.

If you are ready to stand in your power as a luxury brand, take your brand to a higher level in 2022 to set you apart from other experts, and attract more high-end clients, who value your work and are willing to pay for your premium products and services online, I invite you to a Luxury Brand Discovery Call with me.